Simple Improvements to My QB78 and the Advantages and Disadvantages of Co2 Airguns

Although this article focuses on improvements to my QB/XS 7 co2 gun, the information would most likely transfer directly to most or the basic co2 rifles. The QB 78 is a good gun out of the box and the one I currently own and use. I have only made three alterations to my QB since new:

1) I tuned the trigger, which is an easy job for anyone who can handle a screw driver and needs no additional parts to make a huge improvement. Further improvement could be gained by adding some shims either side of the trigger to stop the slop, which is fairly noticeable though I have not as yet bothered with this. The feel of the trigger is now smooth and sure whereas before it was distinctly jerky making it hard to judge when the gun was going to fire.

2) I improved the stock by adding some height to the comb to make the gun more comfortable and improve my accuracy, especially using telescopic sights. This was a more complex job though easy enough for anyone with some basic woodworking skills and access to a table saw or otherwise more skilled at hand sawing than myself!

3) I added an adjustable butt plate/pad. This was an easy job with some filing of the new butt plate to do and simply screw it all together in what ever position suits the shooter.

These measures have greatly improved its performance and feel.

Advantages and disadvantages of co2 guns over other types of air weapon

One of the biggest advantages of co2 airguns is their relatively low cost compared to comparable springers and more so, pre charged pcp guns. Co2 guns will give you the recoil free action of a pcp which is a great advantage over spring guns in terms of accuracy especially for the less experienced air gunner. They are also often reasonably easy to tune as in the case of the QB

Wanting a cheap but powerful and accurate gun for hunting and never really mastering marksmanship with a springer is what attracted me to these guns in the first place. I had been using an ASI Magnum spring powered gun which was a great gun for the money though I had been used to using a Sharp Innova pump up pneumatic beforehand and found this much easier to hit the mark with. I was however fed up with pumping it up every shot and since the UK gun laws had changed making co2 guns legal, I decided to give one a go.

The disadvantages I have found are that there is a considerable power drop once the powerlet begins to empty. I have found that I get approximately 80 – 90 shots from a powerlet yet only the first 50-60 are consistent. With the QB it is necessary to shoot off the excess co2 before changing powerlets. This can be done without loading pellets into the gun but is laborious. Unscrewing the tube cap before the powerlets are empty (the QB takes 2 powerlets at a time) can cause damage to the seals. Co2 guns are also subject to a loss of power as temperature drops. This is most noticeable below 5 degrees C.

In conclusion, co2 power has a great advantage over spring power guns in terms of recoil and therefore can be more accurate. There are good out of the box guns around that are excellent with minimal work. The power drop as the powerlets empty can make recharging them laborious and they are adversely effected by cold weather, however as an entry level gun they have some great advantages as well as being great fun!

Colorado Creative Music Case Study Part 2

STEP Analysis

The STEP analysis of the Colorado Creative Music aims at analyzing macro-environmental factors of the music business the company is engaged into. These factors fall into political, economical, social and technological groups (Pearce, Robinson, 2000).

Political factors affecting music business in whole and CCM in particular: strong political stability in the United States; regulatory and legal issues concerning music business including copyright laws for copyright protection of both music writing and recording, copyright-related legislation touching upon the issue of virtual internet promotion and distribution, such as The Audio Home Recording Act (1992), No Electronic Theft (NET) Act (1997), “The Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act (DPRSRA) 1995, The Digital Millennium Copyright Act, “Pending legislation: Music Online Competition Act and the Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Protection Act (CBDTPA)” and others. Environmental regulations and employment requirement do not affect business CCM is engaged into. As for the tax policy, in 2000, from total income of $216,614.05 the company had to pay $4,744,97 of taxes, which is not high rate and amounts to nearly 2 percent from the total income. In whole, it should be noticed that political factors are favorable for music recording industry and for CCM particularly.

Economic factors include indexes in the macro economy that can affect music recording industry. Here also, macroeconomic factors, such as economic growth, interest rates and inflation rate are favorable for CCM. Thus, the U.S economy kept growing steadily since 1995. CPI falls down in 1997, 1998. Unemployment rate decreased gradually from 1995 to 2000.

Social factors, covering demographic and cultural aspects of the environment external to music recording industry are rate of population growth, age distribution and carrier attitudes. The population growth in the United States is steady and age distribution also favors the music recording industry. It should be noted that for music industry in whole, teenagers and 20-years-olds are primary customer segment, but CCM aims at attracting people of 40-60 age range. Thus, the considerable share of American population fits this target market.

Technological advancements in music recording, promotion and distribution have several effects on the recording industry. One aspect of the issue is that musicians are no longer dependent on major recording labels to create or distribute their products. (Viljoen & Dann, 2000) The MP3 software alternative to the CD becomes more popular since 1998. In the space traditional audio can fit 12 to 15 audio tracks; MP3 software can store approximately 150 music tracks. “The move towards MP3 as the new format to replace CD just as the CD replaced vinyl albums have been accelerated by the rush of new portable MP3 players on the market – some for less than conventional Sony Discmans.” (Viljoen & Dann 2000, p. 173). On the other hand, new digital technologies which appeared in late 20 century not only facilitate the process of music recording, but make it considerably cheaper, providing the possibility for multiple firms with limited resources to enter the market. Thus, if in 1980s, professional recording studio with all recording equipment, working on vinyl or tape carriers, cost several million dollars and therefore was a domain of 5 or 6 major recording companies, in 2000, assembling professional recording studio could be carried out at cost of only $5,000. All the equipment and hardware, due to the global advancements in technology, are much more affordable for an average artist or businessman.

SWOT Analysis


* Cost advantages with new technology arising from the digital revolution. Not only assembly of studio with all necessary equipment and hardware is cheaper, but duplication of CDs, storage and shipping are less expensive as well. Low cost of production, duplication (duplication of 500 CDs ranges from $1.90 to $3.63, duplication of 2000 CDs costs about one dollar per CD), shipping and storage makes the final product less expensive and more affordable for the customers, thus widening the range and scope of the target market.

* Positioning of CCM in a distinctive market niche. CCM is microlabel recording company which specializes on classic and traditional instrumental music.

* Growing customer base and customer loyalty within target group. Customer base growth due to expansion of product lines (4 already, each year 2 new product lines emerge), and geographical coverage of listeners.

* Good customer service shown through the direct contact between Darren and his fans.


* No clear strategic vision: CCM needs a long term vision which includes all areas of the business, from marketing and management to distribution and human resources. At the moment the company faces a dilemma of further strategic development, which will be focused on either enhancing or developing the recording company or more active promotion and distribution of the products through the possibilities of other companies (the company is currently regarded by its management as potential object of acquisition or investment)

* Competitive disadvantages: CCM are not able to enter the retail market due to its current level of sales. Competitors such as major labels have advantage because they have major market power and influence. Such firms can specify when their music should be played on radio and negotiate large contracts with distributors and retail outlets, hence giving themselves broader appeal.

* Limited channels of distribution: at present moment the company heavily relies on such distribution sources as direct sales, which include sales at the gig, shopping mall distribution and sales in the back end (800 number order, website order processing and mail orders). These channels are major sources of profit for the company. Nevertheless, to expand its consumer base, the company needs to acquire formal distribution channels, such as sales through traditional music distribution networks and others.

* CCM is short in financial resources to pursue new opportunities. Profits are thin, meaning new opportunities may be unobtainable and long term improvements may not be afforded due to initial costs. To conclude a contract with major labels, which would provide the company with the access to traditional product distribution, the firm needs to sale at least 15,000 copies of its products per year. From the other hand, high sales numbers are impossible to obtain without good traditional distribution channels.

* CCM is losing ground to larger firms because of limited exposure. CCM at present does not reach global or national audience like independents and major labels. CCM needs to broaden its reach and widen its customer base.


* Serving additional customer groups by expanding co-operation with other artists and enlarging the Acoustictherapy and other product lines with new marketing strategies.

* Internet through expanding e-commerce and releasing MP3s.

* Expanding sales nation wide.

* Acquiring channels of traditional distribution to reach wider customer base exposure

* Developing new technologies to cope with the driving forces of the industry.

* Releasing compilations with other artists has proven popular. One strategy could be to assembly the songs (such as Accoustictherapy) at the studio, and sell the completed disks at a discounted rate back to the performing artists in their hometowns. This method would cover the costs up front and give the players a financial incentive to push the product.

* Pushing sales into non-traditional areas such as weddings, shopping center music etc.


* High number of new entrants and growth of other smaller labels due to the digital revolution. In addition, major labels or independent labels could decide to enter into CCM’s domestic markets and try to drive the smaller labels out of the market.

* Lose sales to substitute products like mp3s or internet downloads

* Vulnerability to industry’s driving forces because of CCM’s weak position in its industry, taking into consideration the fact that the company occupies microlabel segment of the market and is profitable primarily due to the low costs of digital recording.

Five Forces Model of Competition

Michael Porter’s model of competition (Porter, 1980), if applied to music recoding industry, comprises the following components: Rivalry among sellers of recorded music (competition for better market position and competitive advantage); artists and other suppliers of music to producers or sellers of recorded music; distributors, retailers and individual customers of the music; competitive pressure coming from substitutes of recorded music towards winning customers; and threat of new entrants to the industry of recorded music.

Perhaps, the strongest competitive force belongs to such factor as Rivalry among producers and sellers of music products. The music recording industry has 4 clearly identifiable segments: major recording studios, independent labels, microlabels and vanity labels.

Major, or first-tier, companies have large quantities of artists under contracts, reaching the number of 100, specialize on multiple types of music – rock, country, jazz, classical, traditional and other, and have formal and reliable national and international channels of distribution. The examples of such companies are Columbia, Sony Music, EMI, GMG, Warner Brothers, Atlantic Records and some others. As the mater of fact, such companies are not numerous and their recording equipment is rather expensive, amounting to no less that couple million dollars, since these studios record music with analogue and not digital equipment, thus receiving three-dimensional, saturated, rich sound, instead of correct but plain digital sound.

Independent labels have 10-100 artists under contract, focus on recording of one or two major music styles and have either national or most often regional distribution channels. Examples of independents are: Higher Octave, Metal Blade Records, Rhino Records, WAR, Windhan Hill, Soundings of the Planet. Such companies are more numerous than first-rank companies and can use analogue equipment as well as digital. Generally, independent labels strive to grow into major ones, but for that they need to invest large amount of money into amelioration of their equipment.

Microlabels have less then 10 artists under contract and are tightly focused on definite style of music. They are characterized by small staff and manager performing as the leading artist of the studio. Microlabels have rarely formal distribution system and heavily rely on direct sales to fans and wholesale to clubs and specialty retailers. On American market, microlabels are presented with Etherian, Evol Egg Nart, Cuneiform Records, CCM and a large number of others. Generally, such companies survive competition due to low cost of digital recording.

Vanity labels are the fourth, the last and the most specialized segment of the music recording industry. They are founded by independent artists for recording and selling their products. Examples of vanity labels are Bob Culbertson, Watson and Company, Lao Tizer, Esteban Ramirez and many others. (Darren & Winn , 2003). At present, CCM is the microlabel that strives to convert into independent label.

In the first place, the competition among rivals is carried out on the basis of popularity of the performer and songs recorded by their companies. Recording studios intensively compete to attract popular of promising artists to sign contracts with them. If the songs or artists are highly popular, price is secondary factor which may influence the competition. However, if the artist is lesser-known or songs recorded are not very popular, price does play role as the competition and strategy factor. In the distribution process of the rivals, the particular importance is attached to getting access to traditional channels of music distribution, such as retail musical stores, major chain record stores, independent record stores and Internet distributors such as These means are very important for selling CDs of the artists apart from direct sales on their performances. Also, another factor that greatly influences CD sales is advertising of songs and radio promotion and transmission.

For CCM, rivalry is by far the most important competitive pressure source. The strong competition from rival producers and sellers of music can be explained by the fact that the performers of CCM are not known to the wide public in comparison with the artists of the first-tier and independent labels.

The competitive threat of new entry, is, to the opposite, by far the weakest competitive force, ranked between weak and moderate. Barriers for entry are not high for the new producers of recorded music, especially those targeting limited segment of the market and employing cheap digital technology of recording. CCM can serve the brightest example of such entry. Such cheap digital recording technology can be assembled nowadays for no more than $5,000. Still, expensive analogue technologies keep costing hundreds thousand or even millions. The technology employed by the firm automatically determines its resources and rank in the music recording industry. Besides cost of the equipment, the main subject of the competition for new entrants will be distinct market share and sales volume. Considerable sales volume, in its turn, depends on the ability of new entrants to attract famous, popular or widely known performers and singers whose songs are able to get to the top of the popularity charts. Given the fact that virtually all popular artists have already signed contracts with major recording studios, this is significant barrier for new entrants. Another important barrier is gaining considerable channel of distribution. Generally, large distribution centers and music CD retailers are interested in selling the music of famous performers and unwilling to accept the products of relatively unknown artists. For the CCM, the threat of new entry is not very strong, since the company targets rather narrow market segment. Though, if the new entrant uses the same recording technologies, distribution channels and targets the same niche in the market, the fact may become an issue of major importance.

Competition from substitute products can be considered moderate competitive force in the music industry. Such substitute products are be presented in the form of providing consumers with possibility to listen music with other that CD means such as radio, cable TV music channels, live concerts, local bars or night clubs with live performances or recorded music, and internet. Internet has become by far the most important and strong substitute to traditional buying CD, since music provided on the web is most often cheaper or completely free and is not much inferior in quality than .wma format of CDs. Therefore, for certain amount of people these means serve as effective substitutes, but for music fan, buying official CD is obligatory. In the case of Colorado Creative Music, people can enjoy the performance on live concerts of these artists and decide not to buy their CD. Therefore, from CCM’s viewpoint, this may be regarded as fairly significant competitive force.

The forces left are bargaining power of suppliers and bargaining power of buyers and collaborative buyer seller relations, which are both strong competitive force.

The first, bargaining power of suppliers depends on the popularity and reputation of artists. Those who are popular and whose recordings sell well, have strong bargaining power, they can chose among numerous recording studios. CCM specializes on recordings of infamous artists, and therefore it enjoys weak bargaining power, since artists involved with CCM do not have many alternatives for studio record and CD distribution.

Bargaining power of buyers and collaborative buyer-seller relations is very strong competitive force. The major distributors of recorded music supply CDs to the leading music stores and other retailers of music, these leading distributors stock about 40,000 copies of a CD and work on 60-90 working schedule retaining the privilege of full return of investments for the unsold copies. So called “one-stops” are distributors which provide products for the independent music stores in smaller quantities and very often with limited range of music types. Generally such distributors prefer to handle stock CDs of the very popular artists or at least well-known artists and often they are not interested in going into distribution of CDs of unknown performers. Therefore, CCM faces great difficulty in acquiring decent and formal distribution, especially in getting its products sold by such music stores as Sam Goody, Tower Records, Borders Books and Music, and Barnes and Noble.

Also, a great role in the distribution process is played by getting the music heard by people so that they would be more willing to buy the CDs. This includes playing the music on the radio stations, on TV music channels and including soundtracks into movies. Until the performers and artists of CCM become so famous that they are asked for in retail music stores, the company has little chances to receive considerable representation by major CD distributors. The manager of the company, Darren Skanson, has contacted some retailers on his own and found out that it is very time-consuming and onerous task to get his CDs distributed by retailers in his own local area. The people he hired to tackle the problem had little luck either. CCM has had some experience of selling the CDs through one-stop distributor, but it was not very successful due to high markup imposed by the distributor on the CDs of CCM. In the long run, Darren plans to make his product lines such as Darren Curtis Skanson, Music for Candles and other artists, popular enough to have their CD distributed through major music stores. But at the present moment, predominant part of CCM sales volume stems from direct sales such as sales at the gig, shopping mall distribution and internet, mail and telephone orders of the musicians’ CDs.

The Stages of a Market Mania

What is a mania? It is defined as mental illness characterized by great excitement, euphoria, delusions and overactivity. In investing, this translates into investment decisions being driven by fear and greed without being tempered with analysis, reason or balance of risk and reward outcomes. The mania is usually running parallel with the business development of the product, but timing can sometimes run askew.

The late 90’s boom and today’s cryptocurrency boom are two examples of how a mania operates in real time. These two events will be highlighted with each stage in this article.

The Idea Stage

The first stage of a mania starts out with a great idea. The idea is not known to many people yet, but the potential for profits are huge. This is usually translated as unlimited profit, since “something like this has never been done before”. The internet was one such case. People using the paper systems of the time were skeptical as “how can the internet replace such a familiar and entrenched system?” The backbone of the idea begins to get built. This translated into the modems, servers, software and web sites needed to get the idea into something tangible. Investments in the idea stage start off lackluster and made by people “in the know”. In the case, it may be the visionaries and people working on the project.

In the cryptocurrency world, the same question is being asked: How can a piece of crypto code replace our monetary system, contract system and payment systems?

The Possibilities

The first web sites were crude, limited, slow and annoying. The skeptics would look at the words “information superhighway” that the visionaries were spouting and saying “how can this really be that useful?” The forgotten element here is that ideas start out at their worst, and then evolve into something better and better. This sometimes happens due to better technology, more scale and cheaper costs, better applications for the product in question, or more familiarity with the product combined with great marketing. On the investment side, the early adopters are getting in, but there is no euphoria and astronomical returns yet. In some cases, investments have made decent returns, but not enough to sway the masses into jumping in. This is analogous to the slow internet connections of the 1990’s, internet sites crashing or information being incorrect on search engines. In the cryptocurrency world, it is being witnessed by high mining costs for coins, slow transaction times and hacking or theft of accounts.

The Acceleration

Word starts to get out that this internet and “.com” is the hot new thing. The products and tangibility is being constructed, but due to the massive scale involved, the cost and time expended would be massive before everyone is using it. The investment aspect of the equation starts to get ahead of the business development since markets discount the potential of a business with the price of the investment. The euphoria is starting to materialize, but only among the early adopters. This is happening in the cryptocurrency world with the explosion of new “altcoins”, and the large media press that the space is getting.

The Euphoria

This stage is dominated by the parabolic returns and potential that the internet offers. Not much thought is given to the implementation or problems because “the returns are huge and I don’t want to miss out”. The words “irrational exuberance” and “mania” begin to become common as people are buying due to sheer greed. Downside risks and negativity and largely ignored. Symptoms of the mania include: Any company in its name is red hot, analysis is thrown out the window in favour of optics, the investment knowledge is getting less and less apparent among new entrants, expectations for 10 or 100 bagger returns are common and few people actually know how the product works or does not work. This has played out in the cryptocurrency world with the stellar returns of late 2017 and the incidents of company shares popping hundreds of percentage points by using “blockchain” in their name. There are also “reverse takeover offers” where shell companies that are listed on an exchange but are dormant have their names changed to something involving blockchain, and the shares are suddenly actively traded.

The Crash and Burn

The business scene for the new product is changing, but not nearly as quickly as the investment scene is changing. Eventually, a switch in mindset appears and a huge selling spree begins. Volatility is massive, and many “weak hands” and wiped out of the market. Suddenly, analysis is being used again to justify that these companies have no value or are “overvalued”. The fear spreads and prices accelerate downward. Companies who do not have earnings and who are surviving on hype and future prospects are blown out. The incidents of fraud and scams increasing to take advantage of the greed are exposed, causing more fear and selling off of securities. The businesses who have the money are quietly investing in the new product, but the rate of progress slows down because the new product is “an ugly word” unless the profits are demonstrated convincingly. This is starting to happen in the cryptocurrency world with the folding of lending schemes using cryptocurrencies and higher incidents of the theft of coins. Some of the marginal coins are crashing in value due to their speculative nature.

The Survivors

In this stage, the investment landscape is charred with stories of losses and bad experiences. Meanwhile, the great idea is coming into tangibility and for businesses that use it, it is a boom. It starts becoming implemented in day to day activities. The product starts to become the standard and the visionaries are quoted in saying that “the information superhighway” is real. The average user notices an improvement in the product and it starts mass adoption. The businesses who had a real profit strategy take a hit during the crash and burn stage, but if they have the cash to survive, they make it to the next wave. This has not happened in the cryptocurrency world as of yet. The expected survivors are those that have a tangible business case and corporate backing – but it remains to be seen which companies and coins these will be.

The Next Wave – Business Catches Up to the Hype

In this stage, the new product is the standard and the profits are becoming obvious. The business case is now based on earnings and scale rather than the idea. A second investment wave appears starting with these survivors and extending to another early stage mania. The next stage was characterized by social media companies, search engines and online shopping which are all derivatives of the original product – the internet.

The Conclusion

Manias work in a pattern which plays out in a similar fashion over time. Once one recognizes the stages and the thinking process at each one, it becomes easier to understand what is going on and the investment decisions become clearer.

Grooved Golf Swing Series: How To Be A Better Putter – Some Tips

First a look at the alignment of the putter blade as you place it

behind the ball.

If you have your putter shaft laid back from the vertical the blade

will be laid back too.

This creates more roll on the ball.

However, there is a danger of topping the ball when putting in this


This results in inconsistency of distance.

So, unless you really like to put like this, this is not such a

good idea.

Worse still is having the shaft forward of vertical.

Obviously, this creates a slightly downward hit on the ball and drives it into

the ground a bit.

This causes the ball to skip erratically and so roll badly.

The answer therefore for most of us is a vertical blade when


This allows for consistent, solid striking of the ball resulting in

a true roll.

Now how about the set up when putting.

It does not really matter how you stand.

Whether it be with your side towards the hole

or using a more open stance, or even facing

the hole.

The open stance suits me better than any other.

I think it is more natural.

It is the stance used in lawn bowls, cricket or

even sending a ball towards a target using an under arm throw.

The degree of open stance will be an individual thing and will be up to

you to find what is best for you.

However, there are two things that you must incorporate into your


You must have good balance.

You must feel totally comfortable.

You must position your head over the ball.

By this I mean, over the line from the ball to the hole.

This line can be extrapolated behind the ball

so allowing you to have your eye over the correct

line to the hole, but behind the ball.

You might like this because it is a bit like looking along the

sights on a rifle.

You can see the line better if you are lined up

with your eyes a bit behind the ball.

Where ever you place your head, it is essential that it remains

totally still during the put.

All that is left is to determine where to put your weight when you


If you are a right hander, I suggest you put more weight on your

left foot, and try putting your weight on your heel.

With putting there are no rights and wrongs.

So here are some ideas.

Take them and use them to work out what

works best for you.

Music Download Info

Music downloads are the “in” thing in today’s time. You either download music to your computer or you download music to your phone or you just swap with your friends. There are tons of different websites that you can download from. There are sites that charge fees and some do not. You might want to check into a lot of different sites to see who offers the best deals.

There are different stores that offer 100% legal downloads like Napster and I tunes. You can run into some songs that cannot be downloaded. Some artists own the rights to the songs and so not want their records sales to suffer by people downloading their songs on their computers. There are over 500 online places that are in over 40 different countries that represent a percentage of the music market today alone. That is huge! Most of the time you can listen on different websites to a 30 second track that plays and just gives a sample of the song you want to download.

Song downloading is one of the largest money makers out there. It has been said that it generates over 2 billion in sales each year. So far an estimated 5 billion songs have been downloaded. Sometimes the artist will offer downloads of their songs from their websites. You can also purchase their albums when downloading some of their songs from their websites. Usually when they offer downloading from their sites it usually a lower quality song than the original one you may hear on the radio. The price for downloading songs can range from just a couple of cent to over .99. Most places that you will see offer monthly packages. Napster offers unlimited downloading for 14.99 a month. There are some songs that require you to purchase them for .99. They are displayed when looking up the artist on Napster and only give you a thirty second preview.

You can also download songs in MP3 form. There are tons of different sites that offer downloading MP3s to your cell phones which is mostly what cell phones will play now days. They usually run about the same as regular songs to be downloaded. If you want to choose the perfect site to download from, you may to try visiting They can help you pick the best site and the best place to download your music by your preferences.

In conclusion there are tons and tons of places on the Internet to look into before settling with just one company. You will want to check and see if they are legitimate and you will not be caught for downloading illegal music. Downloading music is one of the biggest things to do now days. It has become of the best money making schemes out there. Just make sure you download legally and you have picked the best site for the best price.

The Fading Picture of Indian Malls

With only a dozen of malls surviving out of more than 200, I think the picture of Indian malls is fading gradually.

This is the scenario of the Indian Malls at present and I presume it will be enough for the readers to envisage what I am going to mention about in the next few pages.

It has been almost one decade of presence of shopping centres in India, as the first center appeared in late 90s – Ansal Plaza, New Delhi and since then the expansion really accelerated in 2002 – 2003. In the year 2008 – the year of economic slowdown, the development was less than expected and it is evident due to the fact that:

– 34 centres were opened (whereas 74 were planned for opening at the beginning of 2008)

– 8,050,000 square meter GLA (whereas 1,800,000 square meter was expected)

Besides the economic downturn, the problem also comes from the developers and retailers. In order to understand them better, a detailed study of the same is given below:

  • Developers – The Greed for More

On one hand, it is good to see Indian developers investing and providing excellent infrastructure to the country which certainly enhances the overall image but on the other hand it is disappointing to see the blunders done by them for their own properties. Personally, I believe that a developer can accord to both Residential and Commercials at one time but when it comes to Shopping Centres (SC); they should not fire at their own feet!

The following attributes will give a brief idea of the mistakes done by the developers in past:

  • Poor site selection:

Selecting a location without even analyzing about the primary catchment area is a mistake commonly seen. There are many instances in the country wherein erecting a mall at National Highways has been a failure.

  • Vertical expansion:

This country has seen a lot of vacant malls with multiple floors. The ideal case is to have a shopping center with lesser number of floors no matter even if the size of the shopping center is small.

  • Commercialization Issue:

Poor commercialization is like a house built on sand – it will fall down any day. The first objective should be to position anchor stores in their respective position and second is to attract the vanilla brands by using anchors as a tool. It is also important to note here that with a good floor plan and bad commercialization, things could still work but poor floor plan along with good commercialization may lead to irreversible changes.

  • Lack of professional advice:

It is always better to take professional assistance before the commencement of project rather than after its completion, which undeniably reduces the scope of improvement as well as increases costs more.

  • Design issues:

It is rightly said that easy plans normally work, the more complicated you make, the more difficult it becomes. There are many instances like: the strange floor plans – proving to be a hurdle for the shoppers, no sitting arrangements, unplanned tenant mix – not making a mall a destination, low quality local stores or kiosk and so on that is diluting the overall image of the project.

  • Retailers – Irrational decisions

The slowdown of 2008 has been a great lesson to the Indian Retail companies; they call it lately as correction! Before the year 2008, the expansions had been enormous but now the buzz is “expanding but cautiously.” After reading the factors listed below, one can certainly say the retailers have burnt their fingers themselves:

  • Juvenile expansion:

Before the downturn in 2008, the retailers used to expand frantically almost in every SC without giving much importance to factors like location, catchment analysis, long term vision, presence of the actual buyers, reputation of the developer and much more. These lead to problem of surfeit for which the retailers are still in distress.

  • Sky -scraping commercials:

During this massive expansion, the retailers were at ease to pay high fixed rentals which resulted in high fixed operating cost. Equivalently, the slowdown had a direct impact on the turnover which landed retailers in a miserable condition. This resulted either in closing down of unprofitable stores or re-negotiations with the developers to reduce the rentals.

Thus, the term Revenue Sharing was introduced; convincing people of the fact it is a Win – Win model.

  • Brand visibility was more important than store profitability:

The expansion (prior to year 2008) accelerated in the most imprudent manner considering the fact that brand visibility* is more important than store profitability leading to calamity for many!

*For retailers, the numbers of stores are directly proportionately to brand visibility whereas store profitability is the result of high turnover and low operating cost.

4. Poor store visibility:

In order to enhance brand visibility; more and more outlets were opened which lead to poor project (mall) and location (store) selection. This yielded in low turnover and wastage of enormous capital expenditure on every store. The selected locations were so poor that even with the best marketing and information tools; no one was aware about the existence of these stores.

Hence, it was a Win-Lose situation wherein; the developer was successful enough in leasing out his space but not the retailer!

The road ahead:

The coming year will have a lot of consolidation. The existing smaller or vacant malls will either be converted into commercials or will be acquired by the larger players. The commercialization strategy will improve as the developers have seen enough and have learned to reject the worst and select the best. The tagline “everybody is welcome” will no longer be entertained and the landlords will be more selective in case of tenant mix and assigning locations.


To assimilate the above, complete and professional asset management services are required to assist the developers and to create a good balance between the customers, retailers and the owners. It is possible by correct succession of steps beginning from thorough market research till the designing of the property.

Considering the fact that Indian real estate market has high potential and long way to go; the current phase demands improvisation through professional consultancy and other allied services. It is the time to see how owners employ the best use of these services in future.

And if all this is incorporated, one can hope that Indian Malls can once again be on a path of glory.

Author: Amanpreet Singh Banga, Commercial Manager, Segece India, New Delhi, India

Stun Gun Voltage – How Much Will I Need to Disable My Attacker?

Now that society is slowly becoming a breeding place for crimes and random attacks, there is nothing more important than being able to take care of ourselves and our family. To do that, you must be equipped with the knowledge on how to defend yourself in times of being attacked. Carrying self defense devices has proven to be one of the most effective methods of protecting yourself from attackers especially if you know how to efficiently use your chosen device.

A stun gun is a non-lethal, electroshock device that uses electricity to immobilize an attacker and temporarily incapacitate him. It works to disrupt the brain’s communication with the muscular and nervous system thus making muscles work all at the same time and at a state of confusion. When this happens, your attacker will lose his balance and control. He could drop to the ground and you can immediately flee and ask for help.

Stun gun is one of the most effective and easiest to use self defense items that you can carry everywhere you go, in accordance of course with your state laws. Street crimes are most common nowadays leaving victims dead or seriously injured and it does not and will not exclude you. With this device, you have the option to survive. When buying one, there are several factors you need to consider- the laws of your state regarding its use, the size of the gun, and the voltage, among others. Let’s talk about the voltage.

Most people would say that the higher the voltage, the most powerful your device will be. That is true in most cases. If a gun has a higher voltage, it can cause more immediate pain at the point of contact, and it can work a bit faster and quicker for subduing your attacker. Also, a higher voltage gun will emit a much superior and intimidating crackling sound that will scare off an attacker more often than not.

However, the voltage that a stun gun conveys is not essentially the most important aspect in whether or not a device is effective. An 80,000-volt gun can be just as effective as a 4.5 million volt gun, as long as you know how to properly use your device. Delivery is just as important (or even more important) than the voltage itself. Even if you have in your hand the highest voltage gun ever known to mankind, it will not generate a positive result if you do not know how to use it. To be effective, you need to know what part of the body is most vulnerable and will be most affected. Remember that a lower voltage device with a better manner of release may be more successful than the device with higher voltage aimed improperly.

Stun guns will work to your advantage if you know the concept behind it and its proper usage. Constant practice usually does the trick. And more importantly, do not panic. It would be very difficult especially if the element of surprise is used by the attacker, but you need not fear. After all, you have one of the best weapons on hand.

A Brief History on the Checkered Pattern

It is hard to believe that anyone could possibly be unfamiliar with the checkered pattern. It is commonly known as the checks for example, the black and white graphic that resembles a checkerboard. There are many items around us that we find like this. For instance a pianoforte, adjacent to a piano bench or piano benches along with a music sheet cabinet displays this pattern in its keys.

Whether they are the articles of clothing such as; footwear, handbags or other smaller accessories such as wrist bands wallets etc., a checkered pattern is not hard to find. It has dominated the fashion scene since the last three decades. Moreover, it has also been popularly adopted by different kinds of music. Besides, you will find an everlasting presence of this pattern in different forms of art, literature and other items found in popular cultures.

This pattern left a deep impression in the late 1970’s when a music genre arose from England. This form of music was basically a blend of punk, ska and pop music. The blend was famously known as ‘2 Tone’. This was the term that was coined by a musician by the name of Jerry Dammers. It was Dammers who established the checkered pattern image as a representation for the 2 tone movement. This was known as the Walt Jabsco logo.

Apart from this, the black and white checkered pattern perfectly symbolized racial unity and equality. With the advent of 1980’s, a new fashion overtook the decade, in which checks were fit in with bold graphics and bright colors. This time it spread wide across to decorate everything from skateboards to socks and suspenders.

In the late 80’s and early 90’s, the checkered pattern was replaced by the bold graphic prints. However, it was just a matter of time when popular bands such as “No Doubt” brought music back into the new millennium. So the checks became a talk of the town once again.

This is not all, as the musicians of the new millennium, such as Avril Lavigne, are responsible for bringing the checkered fashion back into the mainstream. Their fashion line boasts a checkered print through shorts, hoodies, ties and shirts. Moreover, a retail franchise, Hot Topic, sells several checkered items including earrings, sunglasses, etc.

Talking about the art world, you will find that checkered images are associated with the works of graphic artist MC Escher. He was the one who illustrated checkered pieces in his work. One of his famous work of art is Day and Night. Furthermore, even literature is not spared from this checkered design. It has symbolized Lewis Carrol’s most popular book, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, in which chess pieces have played a central role in the story.

You can also find this pattern in popular cultures. For instance, New York City cabs have the checkered patterns and not to forget the race car flags are also checkered. This pattern still remains to be an important trend of our lives which seems hard to forgo.

What Makes Online Shopping Ideal During the Pandemic

The disastrous consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic show no signs of easing as it continues unabated even after a year of its outbreak. This has affected consumer behaviour as people have become extra careful to practice proper hygiene and social distancing while shopping. With such preventive measures, people find it challenging to purchase groceries, medicines, and other necessary items in stores physically as there are good chances of public exposure to the virus. This has led to a dramatic change in the existing business climate as more and more people are choosing to shop online to avoid coming in direct contact with others. For businesses, it has never been so crucial to have an online shopping presence.

Here are the major benefits of shopping online for household items over conventional shopping for the consumers at large.

Greater Safety

With the COVID-19 pandemic still going strong, it makes sense to limit your and your family’s exposure outside to a minimum as a safety measure and reduce the chances of catching the virus. Make sure to order online any item which can be ordered from the safety of your home, unless it is an absolute necessity. Open your accounts in eCommerce sites, place your orders, and wait for your choice of items to arrive on your doorstep. Ensure sanitization of the items before bringing them inside for extra safety measures.

Comfort and Convenience

The biggest perk in shopping online is convenience. There is no need to wait for the shop assistant in helping you with your purchases or stand in a queue for billing. With online shopping, all your shopping is complete in minutes. All you need is a stable internet connection, a computer, and a mobile phone with you. Payment is pretty simplified as you can use debit or credit cards or else, opt for cash on delivery to settle the bill. Buying e-books is instant soon on completion of payment. You have the opportunity to shop online 24/7 in the privacy of your room while in your pyjamas.

Attractive Prices

Another advantage of purchasing online is better prices and cheap deals since the products come directly to you from the manufacturer or seller that cuts out the middleman. And as the customer base is wide, there are higher chances of companies offering discount coupons and rebates to attract more customers. Buyers also enjoy discounted purchases for bulk ordering. As no money is spent on transport to buy your items from physical stores, you are indeed saving a considerable sum with online shopping.

Wide Selection of Product

The choices available online are just amazing. You will be lost for choices from the several brands and products that are on display in one place. And you have the option to select from the latest international trends without requiring you to leave your doorstep. It is possible to shop directly from retailers based in another part of your country or world, and not just be limited by geography. There are hardly any matches for the wide selection of colours and sizes that are at your disposal than you can expect to find in local stores. You even have provisions to place an order of your items that are out of stock from online shops to be shipped to you when the stock becomes available.

Gifting Made Easy

Sending gifts to relatives and friends has never been so easy before, thanks to online shopping. There is no need for an excuse of distance preventing you from sending a gift on occasions like weddings, birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, and so forth.

More Discreet Purchases

When it comes to physical purchases from a store, it takes considerable time to find out more about a product by going through its review and ratings on your mobile phones. However, in online shopping, the customer ratings are already listed with every product displayed that makes it pretty easy to browse these ratings and find the top-rated items. It helps you in making discreet purchases. You also get the option to make a comparison of various prices offered by the stores and settle for the best deal. You not only save money but you are trained to be a smart shopper.

Minimum Security Federal Prison Camp – Remanded Custody Vs Self Surrender

There are two ways to get to Minimum Security Federal Prison Camp. One, escorted by US Marshals under remanded custody and two, on your own recognizance, which is known as self surrender. Self surrender is by far the more desirable of the two. If you are expecting to get to Minimum Security Federal Prison Camp via remanded custody, you will be taken into custody immediately after being sentenced. Thereafter, be prepared for an uncomfortable few weeks or months before you arrive at your designated Federal Prison Camp. If you have been granted the opportunity to self surrender to Federal Prison Camp, the judge has done you a favor that you should be very thankful for and take full advantage of.

Remanded Custody

If you are taken into remanded custody at your sentencing by the United States Marshals, you will spend a number of weeks or even months at detention centers, transfer centers and city and county jails before you finally reach your designated Minimum Security Federal Prison Camp. You will be transported between these institutions and finally to Federal Prison Camp free of charge courtesy of the United States Marshals. By all accounts, Federal Inmate Transportation is extremely uncomfortable, slow and tedious.

There are two factors that make remanded custody to Minimum Security Federal Prison Camp particularly unpleasant. Firstly, inmates of all security levels are transported together. This means that security is maintained at the highest of levels. Even though you are headed to a Federal Prison Camp, you will be treated like a maximum security Federal Prison Camp inmate.

Your wrists will be handcuffed in front of you, while leg irons will prevent more than a slow walk. A chain connecting the handcuffs and leg irons will further limit your movement. During the transport process, which takes place on vans, buses and airplanes (affectionately referred to as Con Air by many inmates) the leg irons and handcuffs are not removed, even when you need to use the restroom.

Armed with shotguns, the Marshals are concerned with one thing and one thing only, getting you from point A to point B and finally to your Minimum Security Federal Prison Camp. As one can imagine, the mood during this process, both amongst the inmates, just recently sentenced to Federal Prison Camp and amongst the Marshals charged with ensuring security during the trip to Minimum Security Federal Prison Camp, is quite serious.

Secondly, there is absolutely no hurry to get you to your designated Minimum Security Federal Prison Camp. You will be transported at the convenience and according to the schedules of the US Marshals. This, coupled with the fact that US Marshal policy allows transport during day time hours only means that relatively short distances can take weeks or even months to travel.

The entire process of checking in and out of various facilities and sitting shackled on vans, buses and planes can be grueling, so much so much so that inmates commonly refer to the ordeal as diesel therapy. For the first time Federal Prison Camp inmate, diesel therapy will serve to teach a valuable lesson. The BOP has very little interest in your privacy, convenience and comfort.

Self Surrender

Self surrender to Minimum Security Federal Prison Camp is a luxury granted to those the court deems at no risk of escape and at no threat to the community. If you are lucky enough to be allowed self surrender, following your sentencing you will spend the next one to six months at home, awaiting your Minimum Security Federal Prison Camp designation.

Whether you have been told to wait for a designation letter or not, I highly recommend calling the US Marshals office at the court where you were sentenced to ask for updates on the designation status. It is your responsibility to show up at the Minimum Security Federal Prison Camp on the specified date and at the specified time. Failing to show puts you on escapee status with serious consequences.

In my case I was told to wait for a letter, which never came. Thankfully, I was in touch by phone with the US Marshals office and eventually I was given my designation over the phone. The details of your designation will include the name of the Minimum Security Federal Prison Camp, the time and date you are to surrender and the Federal Prison Camp address and phone number.

The US Marshals will also be able to tell you your new eight digit BOP register number, which must be listed in order to receive funds into your Federal Prison Camp account and in order to receive mail.

A quick word on the location of your Federal Prison Camp designation. A recommendation from the sentencing judge that you be sent to a certain prison is just that, a recommendation. The BOP is under no obligation to comply. Further, the BOP states that they make an effort to place an inmate within 500 miles of his family. This effort is not always successful. In my case, I was designated to a Federal prison over 2,000 miles from home.

While my medical history dictated that I be sent to a Federal Medical Center rather than a Minimum Security Federal Prison Camp, there were two other such facilities within 500 miles. For whatever reason I was not sent to either one. If you find yourself far from home, eventually you may be able to transfer to a prison closer to friends and family. But it is not going to happen quickly and you need to be prepared for this eventuality.