Prophetic Dreams – Dreams of Being Shot At – What Do They Mean?

Did you dream of being shot at? What could your terrifying dream mean? Are you troubled by it?

If you are overwhelmingly disturbed by a recent nightmare, you are not alone. The feeling of despair that you’re feeling right now isn’t unique to you alone.

I myself dreamt of being shot at as well, and here is my story.

The Dream:

And there I was out in an open sandy field. A man with an automatic rifle aggressively sought to kill me. He and I were the only ones on this barren field therefore, the situation I was in was indisputably dire. This man fired at me relentlessly with a vengeful purpose. He had the weapon, I had nothing to fight back with. Since I could not protect myself I panicked. I tried to dock and dodge as much as I could, but I knew eventually one of those flying bullets would hit me. I was vividly horrified.

Then, all of a sudden, the barrage of shooting stopped.

I heard a yell, and I looked up at the direction of the shooting gun man. He appeared hurt and was holding his head. Apparently, something had come from behind me and struck him across the face. I turned around to see what it was, and low and behold, a man was there with a sling shot.

This man shot again at the gunman a second time, and this time, the rock from the slingshot hit the gunman and blasted him far away from me. It defied logic how this happened. The small tiny rock from the slingshot whizzed through the air with astonishing speed, striking the gunman with surprising precision and an unbelievable force. It was like being shot at by a gushing five feet wide water hose, if there ever was such a thing.

Before I knew it, the gunman had deserted his gun with a cowardly quickness and fled the scene. Then I heard a voice say to me: “Hurry up and grab his weapon. Destroy it!” Whose voice this was, I do not know. But the voice sounded thunderously authoritative. Could have been that of the slingshot man, I’m not sure. I immediately did as I was told and started to dismantle the rifle.

It was while I was breaking apart the weapon that I sprung awake. I woke up with a smile plastered on my face. This was a dream that spelled victory. But victory from what?

Since this dream ended well for me, I figured there was nothing to worry about. So I didn’t care and I quickly forgot about it. Big mistake!


Over the period of a year following this dream, a series of unfortunate events fell upon me and I gradually began to understand what the dream meant. You see, although I was saved by the unknown man at the end of my dream, that still didn’t erase the fact that the gunman attempted, several times, to hurt me.

In the beginning of the narration of my dream, I said the gunman had an automatic rifle and that he fired at me relentlessly. Not once, not twice, but several times.

Now, each bullet that he fired in my direction apparently counted as each problem that I would be coming up against in the near not-so-distant future. And yes, I did come up against major problems. Luckily for me, as in the dream, I was miraculous saved from those problems.


The bottom line here is very simple. If you ever dream of being shot at, you need to be worried…very worried. But before you lose your mind in panic, here are a few questions you MUST answer in order to determine if danger is really lurking.

Before your dream, do you remember hearing or seeing anything related to guns (action movies, the news, heard a story, etc)? Do you remember reading about anything related to guns or shooting in the newspapers or other reading materials?

If your answers to these questions are all NOs, then be very careful. Make sure you pray often. Events are coming your way that aren’t going to be pleasant.


In my dream, although I was shot at, I was never hit or grazed by any of the flying bullets. So I knew, no matter what happened, whenever this dream did manifest itself in real life, I wouldn’t suffer any unpleasant situations. I may suffer from a passing feeling of dread and/or anxiousness (like I did in the dream when I was being shot at) but I knew I’d come out of whatever lied ahead for me in the future victorious and unharmed, just like in the dream.

Now, if you on the other hand happen to have a dream of being shot at, and you find yourself actually getting hurt in that dream, then the materialization of your nightmare may be completely different from mine…in a very bad way.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m not here to scare you. But the things I have seen through dreams, and the events I have witnessed in life, makes it a compulsory duty for me to write this article. It is imperative that you understand that Dreams are the primary means of communication used by the ‘spiritual powers that be’ to communicate with the human world.

You owe it to yourself to know how to identify these divine communications when you receive them, and how to analyze and understand them. Being able to master the art of decoding dreams will help you prepare for the inevitable adversities that are marching towards you OR point you in the right direction if that’s what is needed at the moment.

Why Our Cherished Rights/ Freedoms Need Limits?: 5 Areas

Most Americans, seem proud of being so, for a variety of reasons, but, perhaps, most importantly, because of the freedoms and liberties, guaranteed by our Constitution, and Bill of Rights, which differentiates us, from much, of the rest of the world. However, simply because something, may be a right, does not mean, it gives us unlimited permission, to use it, as an excuse for antisocial, or similar behaviors, which might, endanger the greater good! The reality is, our cherished rights/ freedoms, come, with the necessity for applying common sense, and ensuring, our enjoying these, does not interfere with others’ safety, and/ or freedoms. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 areas, where this is essential, to keep – in – mind.

1. Gun Safety: Personally, I am sick – and – tired, of people, demanding their so – called, 2nd Amendment Rights, which they often, declare, protects their sacred guns. and gun ownership rights. None, other than the late, Supreme Court Justice Scalia, who was a renowned conservative, stated, Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose. For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. When our Founding Fathers, created this Amendment, they did so, because they wanted to give States, the right to maintain a militia. They could not have imagined, the types of weapons, available today, when the weapons of their days, shot one bullet, and then required, an extensive, lengthy process, to refill (estimated to be at least 90 seconds, or so). Even, in the so – called, Wild West, of the 19th Century, many Marshals required checking one’s weapons, before entering the town, or certain facilities. Why would anyone need an assault weapon, for recreation?

2. Religion: While we are granted, Freedom of Religion, it specifically implies, there is no state religion, and, in fact, several of our Founding Fathers, were agnostic, and/ or, atheists. While everyone should be allowed to follow their religion, and religious beliefs, it must not be, at the expense of others! Those, proclaiming, currently, government limitations, for public health reasons, interfere with this, are perhaps, failing to consider the common good!

3. Freedom of the Press: This nation needs a Free Press, and it must have the right to protect its sources, in most cases! However, there must be a requirement, for quality reporting, which checks its sources, for accuracy, and does not make false accusations, which might harm others, etc.

4. Assembly/ Protest: The Right to Assemble, and demand remedies from the government is, and should be, protected. However, these must be peaceful, and safe, and not interfere, with public safety, which also includes, health and well – being!

5. Speech: We must protect Freedom of Speech, but, that does not mean, there can be no limitations, to its application. For example, speech intended to incite violence, slur others, or put safety in jeopardy, is not a right! We cannot go to a movie, and scream, Fire, considering that, free speech.

Isn’t it about time, common sense, and greater good, were considered, essential and necessary, for the health, well – being, and overall, welfare of all our citizens (the common good)? If we don’t begin to do so, the present – day, polarization, will get even worse!

The Beaman Monster of Kansas City – A Creature of Cryptozoology

The tales about the “existence” of the Beaman Monster in Kansas City have been around for more than a century. However, until this very day, there are still no proofs, not even one or two photographs, that would somehow verify such stories. Sedalia is only a mile northeast of Beaman, where the monster was said to have originated.

Russell Holman, an 81-year old man from Sedalia, says that the legend of the Beaman Monster can be traced way back in the early 1900s. He further says that he has heard the story of this monster most of his life but has never actually seen it.

As his father had told him, a circus train got wrecked in the year 1904. Several animals used in the circus shows were aboard. During the train crash, these animals had escaped but were immediately retrieved. Unfortunately, one of the biggest and most-feared animals, a 12-foot tall gorilla, had totally gotten away. Many people believe that the Beaman Monster was really the offspring of the circus animal escapee.

Holman recalls that one of his uncles residing on Glenn Road had told him about a certain tumult that happened in his cornfield during the late 1950s. His uncle relayed that many people were out in the field, carrying all sorts of shotguns, to hunt the Beaman Monster. Holman also remembers that during his childhood days, parents would use the legend of the Beaman Monster to warn children when they do not conduct themselves accordingly.

Most likely, many individuals would describe the Beaman Monster as the likes of Bigfoot in North American folklore. However, a 29-year old Sedalia native named Daemon Smith claimed to have seen the creature and described it as shaped like a coyote or wolf.

Smith disclosed his sighting of this monster when he was around 10 years old. He was then riding in his uncle’s pickup truck when a wolf-shaped creature emerged from the woods and started running at the sides of the vehicle. More disturbing incidents happened at Smith’s uncle’s farm, like the time when they found a pig attacked to death. There were no signs or tracks of any other animal that could have caused it, but they remember seeing a dark figure moving in the woods before the horrible incident.

Although there are no evidences yet, it is still very much possible that something like the Beaman Monster does inexplicably exist.

Selecting a Compound Bow for First Time Buyers

Bowhunting is one of the fastest growing sports in America, especially from the 80’s and 90’s. A lot of people have switched from rifle hunting to bowhunting over the past several years and if you ever pick up a bow, you’ll understand why.

The only problem is, a lot of first time bow buyers go by what they are told at the shop. However, there are a few specifications that should be looked at when buying a new bow that the archery shops probably don’t always tell you.

Number one, don’t always go by name brand. With all the different types of successful archery companies there are, they probably wouldn’t still be in the race if they weren’t “top of the line” bows. PSE, Mathews, Hoyt, Bowtech, Bear, Diamond, and a few others are top of the line bows. If you find a bow with any of those manufacturers, then you did good.

The second selection is “how fast is the bow?” Check the IBO speed on every single bow you look at. Don’t let it make or break your bow selection, but definitely let it have a say in which bow you buy. Try to find something 300 FPS or above. IBO means the international bowhunters organization tested the bow set at 30″ draw length, 70# pounds of draw weight, and with a 350 grain arrow. However, a lot of bows do not go back to a 30″ draw length or up to 70# pounds; if this is the case, they tested it with the highest draw length and the highest draw weight that bow comes in.

Don’t think that you will be shooting the same speed as the IBO. A general rule of thumb is, that for every inch of draw length, you gain or lose 10 fps. So since IBO bows are tested at 30″ inch draw length (or the maximal draw length available if under 30″) and you’re shooting a bow at 27″ in draw length, you can expect to lose around 30 fps from draw length.

Draw length isn’t the only determining factor for losing or gaining speed. Draw weight and total grain of arrow weight are also things to consider. IBO recommends the minimum arrow used to be 5 grains per pound of draw weight, so if you’re shooting a 70 pound bow, they are testing it at the lightest arrow they believe that poundage should be shot with; in this case, 350 grains. For every 3 grains of arrow weight, you will gain or lose 1 fps. Therefore, if you’re shooting a 410 grain arrow, you would lose roughly 20 fps.

It’s not recommended you go less than 5 grains per pound of draw weight, because it would basically be like dry firing your bow. Many archers (myself included) do not even recommend shooting an arrow at only 5 grains per pound of draw weight. 6-8 seems much more logical for kinetic energy. 5 grains of arrow weight per pound of draw weight is a speed demon, but also loses a lot of kinetic energy or “penetration”, which is very important for killing big game.

The other determining factor for speed is the draw weight. Since IBO speeds are tested at 70# pounds, or if the bow does not come in 70# pounds, it is tested at the highest speed possible for that bow, then you can expect to lose 2fps per pound of draw weight. So if your bow was tested by IBO, ATA, or AMO at 70 pounds and you shoot a bow on 64 pounds, you can expect to lose about 12 fps in addition to the draw and arrow length.

The next determining factor for buying a bow for an inexperienced archer is often the most under looked and that is the brace height. Brace height is the distance from the top of the handle grip to the bow string. If you want a high forgiveness bow, then you’ll want to shoot a bow with a brace height of 7 inches or greater. Anything below 7 inches, is not forgiving of a lot of form errors and should only be used by advanced/experienced archers.

Brace height interferes with your powerstroke. What is your powerstroke? It is your draw length – brace height + 1.75. That is the total amount of distance you’re actually pulling your bow back. The greater the powerstroke, the faster the bow; however, the less forgiving the bow will be. The shorter the brace height, usually the faster the bow will be, but the longer the brace height, the more forgiving the bow will be at the sacrifice of speed. Unless, you’re an experienced and advanced shooter, you should probably stick with a 7 inch brace height or better; especially if you are a beginner. Some advanced archers still even prefer 7 inch brace heights or more.

The next factor will be your axle to axle. If you’re a tree-stand hunter, you might want a lower axle to axle bow, usually 32 inches or less. If you’re a hunter on the ground, perhaps a higher axle to axle is better for you. Smaller axle to axles are better for going under tree branches, carrying, space, but also has its downfalls. One of those downfalls are long range accuracy. If you’re shooting a smaller axle to axle bow, usually the less accurate at long distances it will be, but then again, not all of us are long distance shooters. I prefer to stick with axle to axle bows of 32″ inches or greater, but is once again, a preference.

The final factor that should be looked into is the let-off. The higher the number of let-off %, the better. 80% is an excellent choice. “Let off” means after you reach a certain point of draw length, how much of the weight is taking off your pulling to assure you to stick with your anchor point for a longer time. The higher the let-off %, the longer you will comfortably hold your bow at maximum draw length.

That’s about all of my recommendations for looking into a new bow. Going to YouTube and finding reviews on bows are not a bad idea. Always determine the specifications before buying. If you can find a bow with an IBO higher than +300 fps, with a 7″ inch brace height, and an axle to axle of 32″ inches or greater, it’s probably going to be a great bow with a good compromise of speed and forgiveness. Give it a try. Every person will be different with grip preference, manufacturer preference, and other factors. Find what is best for you.

6 Areas Where Those Citing Their Personal Freedom, Harm Others!

Although, the United States of America, was founded, based on certain democratic principles, stated, and/ or, implied, in the Constitution, reality, and the greater good, demands, every right and freedom, must come with, certain, individual responsibilities/ obligations, and necessary, common sense, limitations! Few would argue, against, the concept, it is prohibited, to cry, Fire, in a movie theater, because of the chaos, and potential safety hazards, doing so, harms others! There have been times, when this nation, needed to impose certain restrictions on so – called freedoms and rights, to protect, society, public health, and/ or safety! We have license requirements for driving a car, and registration demands, for registering an automobile, but, very few of these restrictions on gun ownership! Wrapping oneself, in the 2nd Amendment, and proclaiming, it is an absolute right, granted, to own and carry a gun, potentially, creates a dangerous situation, for others! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review and discuss, 6 areas of our lives, when there must be a greater degree of alignment, between one’s personal freedoms, and the greater good.

1. U.S. economy: Store – owners, and others, who proclaim, their rights are being disturbed, by, some sort of restrictions, such as the masking – requirements, many states imposed, during this pandemic, and tending to equate economic concerns, with public health needs! Unless/ until, this nation begins to equally, protect all citizens, instead of merely, certain elite ones, it won’t be fair, to all!

2. World economy: Throughout the world, economies have been adversely impacted, by this pandemic. We live in a global economy, and events, which effect one nation, have an effect, on others! We must begin, greater cooperation, especially, related to public health, safety, and human rights protections!

3. Travel: business and personal: Certainly, the travel – related industries, have been, some of the greatest victims, of the pandemic – created, economic conditions, etc. Most, would, look – forward to, being able to travel, again, as we, once did, both, regarding business, and personal/ leisure activities! The combination of fears, public health measures, etc, have created, somewhat of, a travel – nightmare!

4. Restore life, as we know/ knew it: Many are tired, and frustrated, by this extended period of restrictions, created, because of public health concerns! However, this does not give them, the right, to put the health and well – being, of others, at – risk! Isn’t it strange, there seems to be, such a partisan – divide, regarding the logic, and need, for quality vaccines, which are presently available?

5. Winning the battle against the pandemic: If, more people, were vaccinated, the battle against the pandemic, would be quicker, more thorough, and better! Only, when the greater good, becomes the essential factor, will we win this battle!

6. How many more must die: Whether, related to this horrific pandemic, or sane gun safety rules/ needs, we must ask, How many more must die? There is a significant difference, between the right to bear arms, and, indiscriminate gun usage! We register cars, so why not, guns? Shouldn’t this concept, also, prevail, regarding public health, and/ or, safety – related issues?

If, we wish to be, the land of the free, we must protect all Constitutional guarantees, and not, merely, selective ones! The right to life (meaning, safety, and reasonable expectations), must be a top priority/ consideration!

What Do You Pray at a Golf Tournament?

What kind of prayer is appropriate after a game of golf ? I had to say grace at the meal following a women’s golf tournament. Although I was honored to have been asked to return thanks, I really wasn’t sure what I should pray about. I decided to explore some literature about golf and the spiritual side of life. I checked out titles like Fairway to Heaven, In His Grip, and of course Chicken Soup for the Golfer’s Soul. The material in these books was certainly of an inspirational nature but didn’t help me figure out what I should say in my prayer.

An Internet search unearthed the fact that Christians have come up with an amazing number of humorous golf anecdotes. Have you heard the one about Jesus, God and Tiger Woods playing eighteen holes together? It’s pretty funny, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to preface my prayer with a joke. People might not be able to stop laughing during grace.

I considered relating a religious story about a famous golfer. I found out when Vijay Singh won the Masters, his sister claimed it was because their entire family prayed for victory for a whole day and a whole night. Had none of the other golfer’s relatives prayed for a win? Why did God choose to listen to the Singh’s petitions? I was confused. If I told Vijay’s story at the luncheon the other women might be puzzled too.

I thought maybe I could share ideas about how the game of golf can positively impact a person’s life.

Golf gives us an opportunity to be in the great outdoors. The scenic setting inspires a real appreciation for the beauty of God’s creation.

Golf is a way to get exercise and nurture relationships with family and friends. The game of golf can be very therapeutic. A widow once told me that after her husband’s death going out on the golf course had provided her with a healthy diversion at times when she was feeling sad and lonely.

Golf is an avenue for meeting new people. I’ve talked with many interesting strangers I’ve been partnered with on the links. Sometimes our conversations have even led to discussions on matters of faith. My husband and I were golfing with two navy lieutenants on the Olympic View Course in Victoria, British Columbia one summer afternoon. One of the officers missed a crucial putt and said, “I knew I’d have to pay sometime for skipping out of church last Sunday.” It seemed perfectly natural for me to ask, “what church would that be?”

Golf provides an opportunity to affirm and encourage others. I play in a weekly ladies league and my companions are always so positive. The other women make me believe my golf game isn’t hopeless. They look for something good in every shot I make and applaud the slightest improvement in my score. I’ve learned some valuable lessons about the power of affirmation from my female golfing companions.

Golf can be a way to support a worthy endeavor. Many organizations sponsor golf events to raise funds. My husband and I have frequently entered tournaments where the profits are earmarked for charitable causes.

You’re probably wondering by now what I finally ended up praying at the golf luncheon. I decided not to preface my table grace with any comments. I simply asked the women to bow their heads and then I said…..

Dear God,

We are grateful for the chance we had today to play the game of golf. We are thankful for the exercise it provided for our bodies, for the sense of companionship we experienced with other golfers, and for the opportunity we had to enjoy the beauty of creation. Open our minds and hearts to the lessons this game can teach us about life….. that we shouldn’t give up after a few bad holes, because things will probably get better if we just keep trying…. that we need to be flexible, if the nine iron won’t do the trick, maybe the pitching wedge will….. that the lowest handicaps aren’t necessarily earned by the women with the latest fashions in golfing attire or the most expensive set of clubs, but by those who work hard at their game with patience and persistence.

Bless each person here whether she ended up a winner or loser when the scorecards were handed in today, for if we enjoyed the game we played together we really were all winners. We ask now for your blessing on this food.


ATN Scopes – Tips For Buying Right The First Time

ATN stands for American Technologies Network and if you’re in the market for a great night vision scope then ATN can provide you with exactly what you need. Night vision scopes can be a touchy subject legally in some areas so always make sure you check local regulations in relation to hunting at night or even the ownership and use of a night vision scope. All things being equal and legal the night vision scopes produced by ATN can really give you a strong advantage in the field.

ATN scopes can be used by anyone but are generally used and intended for use by law enforcement agencies, military snipers and anyone involved in predatory hunting. ATN have, over the years, built up an excellent reputation for incredible accuracy and an equally impressive construction and build quality.

If you do decide to check out ATN scopes then you have several choices with this brand. From titanium mounting system to Image Intensifier tubes to rails which allow the addition of light systems or even backup iron sights ATN are a truly versatile product in their market.

One of the ATN scopes that all shooters will want to have a look at is the Aries MK330 Warrior model. This is a very affordable scope known for its high quality. Features on this sight include an extremely fast front lens system that provides excellence in brightness as well as a reticle brightness adjustment which operates at just the touch of a button. An Infared Illuminator is also provided which is completely detachable and extremely powerful. With this extra addition, you gain the capability of seeing your target up to 150 yards away in complete darkness. With a fantastic ergonomic design, this scope is extremely easy to use in total darkness.

Another option offered by ATN scopes is the Aries 390 Paladin. This is one of the best scopes on the market, typically outperforming most of the competition – even the more expensive competitor models. Like other scopes produced by ATN, the Aries 390 Paladin features an ergonomic design for ease of use in the dark. Optical resolution was increased on this model to allow more light to travel through the lens all the way to the tube; giving you a sharper and brighter image each and every time. A precise aiming system was also added to this model along with the famous detachable Infrared Illuminator featuring dedicated elevation and windage adjustment.

Last but not least is the Aries MK258 in the ATN scope range. This scope is often referred to as the Smart Scope – and with very good reason. Not only is it quite affordable but it also includes several features that are extremely smart such as an upgraded 90mm lens and 4x magnification. Digital technology adds even more power and higher light amplification. A truly impressive scope with a range of features that normally demand a higher ticket price.

So if you’re looking for a great range of night vision scopes at truly affordable prices you could do much worse than investing in an ATN scope.

Ready, Fire, Aim by Michael Masterson – Book Review

Title and Author: Ready, Fire, Aim by Michael Masterson

Synopsis of Content:

Masterson, a self made millionaire, provides somewhat of a blueprint on how to create, build and grow a small business into as large an enterprise as one could want. He divides businesses into four stages: Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence and Adulthood. He even draws some comparisons between these human development stages and the stages of growth in a company. For each stage he defines the parameters as well as the challenges and requisites for success at that stage.

Over all Masterson’s thesis is that one cannot plan and design a successful business in advance. Two likely consequences flow from such an attempt. Either the planning consumes the entrepreneur such that the execution never really happens – paralysis from analysis. Or, the plan s created and on the mistaken belief that one must then follow the plan the creator of the business fails to adjust and change as circumstances require.

Masterson insists that you must be ready to start – some form of plan and preparation are certainly essential to avoid certain failure. He then advocates action – implementing the plan before it is perfected and then refining it as you progress, thus it is Ready, Fire, and Aim rather than the traditional Ready, Aim and Fire. Rather than firing a gun, he likens starting a business to flying a plane: while you have a basic flight plan you must correct your course continually to make your designated destination.

Scattered throughout the book are additional gems of wisdom and experience from the author’s half a century building businesses. He discusses everything from career satisfaction to the value of other books and publications such as Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point (Little, Brown, 2000).

Whether you are contemplating the idea of starting a business, are in the midst of doing so or are higher up the ladder in growing an existing business there are valuable lessons and tips in this book for everyone. It is well worth the read.

Readability/Writing Quality:

Masterson writes well. He is not always as polished or as concise as one might wish but he gets his point across clearly enough. He uses lots of examples, headings and sub-headings, text boxes and other devices to organize the material and help make it more interesting and useful.

Notes on Author:

Michael Masterson is not just an author who likes to write about financial success – he has lived it. He has founded and grown several businesses including two that grew beyond $100 million in value. He has a loyal following for his Early to Rise ezine which is free and available at He has authored other books which have been on a number of best seller lists including Seven Years to Seven Figures, Automatic Wealth and Automatic Wealth for Grads.

Three Great Ideas You Can Use:

1. Developing a sales strategy is absolutely essential to any business venture. Developing an “Optimum Selling Strategy” can be the difference between success and failure.

2. Understanding the difference between marketing and sales is also critical. Learning this and putting it to work can be the difference between success and failure. Development of the Unique Selling Proposition for our business is crucial as well.

3. Every start up business needs four personality types to make it work: a seller, an improver, an organizer and a pusher. Identifying those business types in your business will make success much more likely.

Publication Information:

Ready, Fire and Aim (Zero to $100 million in nothing flat) by Michael Masterson.

© 2008 by Michael Masterson. Published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Rating for this Book:

Overall Rating: Very Good

Writing Style: Very Good

Application: Very Good

Technical Difficulty: Moderate

Lancaster County Trembles! A New Amish Mafia "Tough Guy" Appears on the Scene!

With the departure of Jolin Zimmerman as the “enforcer” for supposed Amish Mafia kingpin, Lebanon Levi, we are introduced, in the second season’s first episode, to the newest cast member “Caleb.” Caleb is actually Caleb Isaac Meyer and, according to the show, is being tested for the “enforcer” role with a number of minor assignments.

Well, here we go again, folks! We are asked yet again by the producers of Amish Mafia to believe that some twenty-something nobody with a handful of minor infractions to his “credit” is suddenly a tough thug capable of enforcing the will of Lebanon Levi upon the folks of Lancaster County and its Amish community. What a joke! Meyer’s list of minor offenses actually paint him, at most, as having been a careless, irresponsible and fairly faint-hearted teenager, rather than a believable member of an “organized crime family.”

Consider Meyer’s most serious offense. It occurred in 2007 when he was 18 years old. He was involved in traffic accident which caused serious injury to one of the occupants of a horse and buggy while he was driving a dump truck on the Old Philadelphia Pike. The impact was serious enough to kill the horse instantly. Fortunately, the woman who received serious head injuries survived, no thanks to Caleb Meyer.

Meyer was charged with a felony. What was his crime? Why, our potential new Amish Mafia “enforcer” fled the scene of the accident and drove away. Some tough guy! Eventually the cowardly youth called his daddy. The elder Meyers came to the scene to talk to officers and eventually managed to coax his son to return to the scene and face the music. According to police investigators, “the teen was visibly distraught when he returned to the scene.” Yes, there can be no doubt that this is the man to strike terror in the hearts of the people of Lancaster County. Hide under your beds, everyone! Here comes Caleb of the “Amish Mafia”!

Quite ironically, in episode #1 of Amish Mafia’s first season, Boss Levi is depicted sending John Schmucker (another supposed “tough guy,” also notorious for fleeing the scene after causing an auto accident) and Jolin out to deal with an “Englishman” who supposedly was involved in an accident with a buggy. The show depicts Jolin administering “justice” for this heinous crime by shooting a shotgun round through the windshield of the man’s vehicle. Apparently being involved in an accident with buggy only matters if you aren’t seeking a role on the show!

Why The Barnett Commando Crossbow Is Still Popular

Many people who are drawn to the ancient sport of archery are intrigued by the added challenge of using a bow and arrow set up to shoot at a target. There was a time long ago when crossbows were exclusively used for most hunting and shooting competitions. Now days, the stoic bow is more of a novelty that is seen as an alternative to using a rifle. Regardless, in recent years, the crossbow has made a comeback in popularity. The Barnett Company has been way ahead of this trend, because they’ve been making crossbows for hunters for more than 50 years. If you are at all familiar with their product line, you’ll see talk of one of their best models that has been around for many years – the Barnett Commando crossbow.

For many sportsmen, the Barnett Commando crossbow was the very first professional style bow they owned. It was a predecessor to some of the current popular Barnett bows that are widely used today. There are two versions that you’ll commonly find online. The original version is the Commando I, which is much harder to find these days. Barnett no longer manufacturers these and so you’ll only find this one in a used condition from a secondhand seller. The Commando II is the updated version of this model. There are many more of these to be found since these were made to last longer. Again, this is a discontinued model, but you will find plenty of owners who enjoy using theirs for target shooting or regular hunting.

One of the features that owners really like about this model is that it has a self-cocking mechanism that makes it easier to prepare for the shot. Many agree that it is very accurate when pointed at any target. Accuracy, of course, is something that most crossbow aficionados are very concerned about. There’s no purpose in owning a sophisticated weapon like the Barnett Commando crossbow if you’re not going to work on accuracy. This bow certainly makes it easier to hit your target.

For an older shooting machine, the Barnett Commando crossbow has a nice, sleek look to it that many of today’s hunters and shooters admire. This is one that certainly stands the test of time. That’s why many are still searching online for a used commando 2 crossbows to add to their collection of sports weapons. This would be a good model for any beginner crossbow user to learn how to shoot in the archery style. Most of these that you find in mint condition are reasonably priced.

While most kits still come with the original aluminum bolts, you will still need to search online for the right kind of bolts to use for this model if you wish to continue using it regularly. As one of the original popular models, the Commando is still formidable and has lots of speed and accuracy.