The Last of Us, made by the creators of hit series Uncharted, has been dropping jaws since it was released. The game revolves around the story of Joel( A middle aged survivor) and Ellie(A young teenaged girl) trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world, in which most humans have been infected by a parasitic virus which has made their heads burst open.The game gives you 15 hours of juicy game-play and I think it is worth it’s $60. The Graphics are not matchable by any other game and the characters are loveable. You will fall in love with Ellie by the end of the game. The voice acting has been remarkable.
The environment is beautiful. The urban jungle looks classy. You have a lot of places to explore. Other than a lot of zombies the other thing you’ll find a lot are green trees. The lighting is very good and is one of things which makes it’s graphics better than Uncharted 3. The details in the environment are also remarkable and make the experience even richer. The facial animations are extremely advanced which make you develop affectionate feelings towards the characters. You are really immersed in the game when you start playing it.
The Gameplay is based on survival. You can not go around killing anyone you like just because you have a gun. The ammo is scarce so you have to use it sensibly. if you are a Call of duty fan than you will find this game weird because you have to think while playing it. You plan strategies on how to kill your enemies e.g there are different type of infected people and each kind requires a different strategy to get past them or kill them.
The Last of Us is once in generation experience and I think it is one of the best game that this generation of consoles have given to us. By playing The Last of Us you get to know the limit of PlayStation 3 as it squeezes every bit of power left in it. It is a masterpiece and is not overrated at all! It actually is a perfect game and deserves 10/10. All those saying that it is overrated might be people who just can’t get to use their brains. Being a Naughty Dog game, like all previous games from the developer, it is only available for the PlayStation 3.