3 Strategies to Improve Your Fashion Confidence

If you don’t feel good in your clothes then you have the power to change that. This article will discuss 3 strategies to help you improve your fashion confidence. Of course, these are not the only 3 strategies, but they are 3 critical strategies to get you and your fashion confidence moving in the right direction.

1. Wear clothes that are flattering for your body:

Have you ever gone to the store and bought something that you saw on the mannequin or purchased something online that you saw on the model, only to get the outfit and it doesn’t look the same on you? Well that can be pretty disappointing, and it can also cause you to waste money. And worse if you try to wear the outfit anyway you can look and feel uncomfortable. And that affects your self-esteem. The reason that not all clothing looks the same on every woman is because we are not all the same body type. It is important that we purchase clothes that flatter our body type and clothes that we look good in. When we wear clothes that flatter our body not only do we look better but we feel better too.

2. Release the unwanted pounds:

If you are carrying extra pounds that are affecting your confidence you can work on getting them off. I know personally how that feels. When I had unwanted pounds it affected my confidence and the type of clothes I wore. Even though I never lost my fashion flair, I didn’t feel as good as I wanted to in my clothes. I am not telling you to lose weight, I am just saying that if you have a desire to lose some pounds, then go for it, especially if you feel like it will help you feel better in your clothes.

3. Choose colors that suit you:

It is important that you wear colors that make you feel cheerful and stylish. But colors not only affect your mood but colors also affect how others see you. So you want to choose colors that make you look youthful and vibrant. It is also important that you choose colors that go well with your skin tone. When you choose the right colors you can feel more confident in your clothes.

The Importance of Ethics in the Marketplace! (Part One)

Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions in the Global economy.

In the past it was assumed that all that had to be done to ward off bad behavior and unethical practices in the financial industry was to put in place regulations to help guide and encourage ethical behavior in the marketplace. However, regulation is no longer a guarantee of ethical behavior.

Billionaire Warren Buffett acknowledged the need to put measures in place to make sure that this behavior is practiced on a daily basis with his execs. Buffett has told his managers that there is a difference between what’s legal and what’s ethical. “Let’s start with what is legal, but always go on to what we would feel comfortable about being printed on the front page of our local paper.”

“A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold”.

Proverbs 22:1 (esv)

Here are some questions with answers that I hope are helpful and that will provide some form of guidance.

Q & A:

1. How do ethics affect the stock broker on Wall Street?

a. Misleading the client

i. When a broker is dealing with a client, the client is of the impression that he/she is dealing with a professional. Giving in to bad practices that promote laziness on behalf of the broker is a sure way to make oneself vulnerable to conduct unbecoming a broker. This can also cause that broker to lose his license as an investment banker or a broker/dealer. The broker should sticks to the facts as is relates to the advice that the investor seeks. For example, if the investor is seeking further clarity as is relates to a group of mutual funds, his answer should not be ambiguous due to the broker being bias. Keep it simple and clear.

b. Lack of full disclosure

i. All too often we are looking for the easy way out of things. When it comes to financial matters one can never be too detailed. The investor expects full disclosure. Never take short cuts in the name of expediency. Besides, if something goes wrong in the market, you would have peace in your mind knowing that you served the client well. The broker is obligated to making sure that when the investor buys a product from him that the investor is making an informed decision.

c. Breach of Confidentiality

i. This is the “holy grail” to long life in this industry. If a broker breaches client confidentiality, he can kiss his career good-bye. This is like have a bad rap sheet that follows you everywhere you go. The broker can face possible reporting to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

d. Neglecting to offer Alternatives

i. It is said that a person who works on commission will tell you anything they believe you want to hear to close the deal or sale. This is why Insurance Professionals, Car Salesman/woman and Realtors have a hard time with people trusting them. People don’t feel confident that they are being given all the facts and options that are available to them. That they are only being told what the Salesman wants them to know, to streamline their options so that the decision that is made will be to the benefit of the salesman. The broker should not allow this to be said of them. Trust is the key to building long lasting relationships. Give your clients options, and help guide them in their decision making – they’ll do the right thing and you would have gained a possible long term loyal client.

“The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty”

Proverbs 21:5 (esv)

In The Next Issue:

Question 2: What are some rules a broker should follow?

How to Spot a Fake Leupold Rifle Scope

Leupold rifle Scopes are known for their superb quality and craftsmanship. They’re also the leader in the optics industry, producing top quality optics. As Leupold popularity grows it’s no surprise why these premium optics are targeted by counterfeiters. Counterfeit leupold scopes have been popping up in the world market left and right. Here are some sure fire tips on how to spot a fake leupold scope.

Only buy from trusted web sites

When buying a new leupold scope make sure the web site you are buying it from is a trusted or authorized Leupold rifle scope dealer. Trusted websites will often go out of their way to prove they are an authorized Leupold dealer.

Trade web sites – Avoid big trade, OEM, or manufacturing websites that provide B2B services. Web sites like AliBaba.com, globalsources.com and tradekey.com are great for finding OEM manufacturers but will often list fake leupolds for sale.

What to expect from an authentic Leupold
Authentic Leupolds have a few distinctive markings that most fakes will not have.

Objective Ring – Authentic Leupold optics will have a thin objective ring with the company’s name etched on the ring itself. Counterfeits usually are missing this ring or will have the ring but not the etched writing.

Packaging – Often time counterfeit leupold scopes have similar packaging to the real thing but often lack one item, the warranty information. If you’ve purchased a Leupold you think could possibly be a fake, check for the warranty card information. If your missing it than you most likely have a fake leupold scope.

Leupold Serial Number – All of Leupold’s products come with a serial number. If the Leupold scope doesn’t contain a serial number then it’s a good chance the scope is a fake.

Always try to ask the seller for the serial number before you purchase the rifle scope. Once you have the serial number, call or email Leupold customer service to verify if the rifle scope is authentic.

Book Review: “The Chitlin’ Circuit and the Road to Rock ‘N’ Roll”

This book review of “The Chitlin’ Circuit and the Road to Rock ‘N’ Roll” is provided for fans of music and history. It is a recommended read for anyone who appreciates the intersections of music and history.

The book helps any music fan to share with others how today’s popular music evolved. It can also help self-declared fans of any of the following music forms: rock, jazz, blues, soul, and r&b gain a greater appreciation of both current and past artists of those music genres.

I do not know any more about the book’s author Preston Lauterbach than what is on the inside cover of the book and or on his website at prestonlauterbach.com. But what I do know is that Mr. Lauterbach has a great ability to present how Rock ‘N’ Roll evolved.

Mr. Lauterbach’s writing educated me about how historical economic changes, political changes, and social / cultural changes in the U.S. contributed to the music’s evolution. This included an incredible presentation of how non-musical forces drove the development of the “chitlin’ circuit”, and then in turn how the chitlin’ circuit facilitated the development of an American music art form along with an entirely new economic sector itself: the combination of live music production, the recording industry, and on-air music broadcasting via radio and television.

One of the surprises for me: Prior to reading the book, I thought that the chitlin’ circuit was a reference to a network of clubs and or music halls located in the concentrated region of the southeastern states of the U.S. Instead, what I learned was that the chitlin’ circuit was a complex network located in a larger and sometimes shifting group ( dependent upon changing economic circumstances ) of clubs, bars, cafes / restaurants, music halls, and sometimes makeshift venues ( barns ). This network was located in the southeastern states of the U.S. as well as Houston, Los Angeles, Kansas City, Indianapolis, Chicago, Detroit, and cities on the eastern seaboard.

I also learned that the chitlin’ circuit was really both informal and formal. Mr. Lauterbach’s book shows the reader how savvy club owners and booking agents/talent agencies networked with each other to develop an successful music performance market which later gave rise to a profitable market for recorded music.

I also found an intriguing presentation by “The Chitlin’ Circuit and the Road to Rock ‘N’ Roll” of how the tour booking agents developed and controlled the circuit in the early days which led to the development of successful clubs and other venues for the live music. Mr. Lauterbach tells us how the tour business and related live music performances spawned successful artists. The successful artists then produced creative new music that then produced changes in how live music was presented to audiences throughout the circuit. And those changes in turn begat innovations for the recording industry -which then eventually supplanted the touring industry as the top driving economic force for music in the U.S.

I also think that Mr. Lauterbach was providing the reader a bittersweet story based on historical fact. The bittersweet story involves the evolution of the past segregated America to a country that today is officially desegregated. The book explains how racial integration changed the U.S. urban economy which in turn ultimately led to the demise of “the Stroll” which was located in all American cities. “The Stroll” was another name for the Black American “cities within the cities” and/or concentrated Black American economic centers within each American community prior to the achievement of desegregation.

The word “bittersweet” is used here because this book presents sad stories caused by the cruel and unjust racism endured by African Americans throughout the U.S., the linkages of those sad stories to the development of beautiful music, and classic rags-to-riches stories of successful black music artists. The book gives us the rest of the story about how Federal Government and Local Government level public policy changes ( such as the federal government Urban Renewal and Interstate highway programs ) then caused the landscape of the chitlin’ circuit to sort of fade away.

But at the end of the day: the book titled “The Chitlin’ Circuit and the Road to Rock ‘N’ Roll” shows us that the great music produced by the chitlin’ circuit remains and is there for any and all music listeners to enjoy.

History of Gothic Clothing Fashion

Gothic clothing fashion is basically based on dark shades. During the Gothic clothing era of the middle ages people like sailors or those associated with churches and cathedrals wore this type of clothing. A Gothic dress is complete with a large hat and long coat, knee length breeches, knee high buckled shoes or bucket topped boots. Peasants used to wear common fabrics in the form of rough and tunic dresses and they were barefooted since they had to work in the fields or in muddy waters. The women folk also dressed in the same way as men and they too were barefooted. Of course they wore belts to prevent their long skirts from trailing on the ground.

As mentioned Gothic clothing uses dark shades instead of extravagant colors to go with the dark mood. These came in the form of dark velvets, dark fishnet, dark lace, dark gloves and scarlet shaded dark leather. During the early part of 1980 this fashion reappeared in England. However Gothic fashion flourished in its original form from 1200 AD and 1450 AD. Compared to the Gothic clothing during the Romanesque period the clothing line was simpler and more graceful. Styles kept on changing with the passage of time. As such during 15th century Gothic fabrics became distinguishable because of its stiffness. There were padded doublets, leg-o-mutton sleeves and tight belts.

One of the popular medieval costumes for women was the Gothic corset. The Gothic corset complimented the female body by giving it an hourglass shape. It was a common Victorian and medieval costume for women. Its prominence is till intact today. However the latest trend of Gothic corset is not like the ones worn during the Victorian and medieval period but is soft and convenient. There are different types of Gothic outfits like light natural fiber shirts with ruffles, the loose fit and frilly pirate shirt with drooping shoulders, dark trousers short in length and large dark hats etc that went with various accessories like black umbrellas, silver ornaments etc. latest trend of Gothic shirts and other dresses changes with the passage of time.

Though the Gothic history period lasted from 1200 AD to 1450 AD it can be divided into two periods namely the early period (1200-1350) and the late period (1350-1450) with each period having different styles. The early period outfits had simpler cuts and looked sophisticated and graceful. During the late period styles started changing rapidly.

With the passage of time the fabrics became stiffer instead of the flowing draperies that were common during the early period. During the late Gothic clothing era of the 15th century the important features of Gothic clothing showed in the form of crisp tight belts, padded doublets and leg-o-mutton sleeves etc.

Connecting With the Target Market of Holistic Health Practitioners

For those of you operating a business as a holistic practitioner or services provider, you ought to consider where you are allotting the money in your valuable marketing budget. Every business, even those operating under the direction of spirit, can benefit from a proper marketing campaign that connects you with your target market.

Target Market for Holistic Health

Are you advertising to your target market? For that matter, have you identified the demographics that make up your ideal client?

If you want to be successful in your healing business, you must be marketing to that specific percentage of the population who are a) aware that they can change their circumstances, b) willing to make improvements in their life, and c) willing to pay for your help.

Your ideal person is a 25-55 year old woman who is open-minded, health-oriented, and well-educated. How often are your advertising campaigns reaching this ideal person? Based on common practice in the holistic health industry, there’s a high percentage chance that you are inadvertently marketing to other healers and holistic health practitioners.

Connect with your Target Market

If you want to run a successful practice, you must consistently attract new clients. Here are a few key suggestions to help you connect with the segment of the population that qualifies as your target market.

  1. Word-of-mouth will always be an excellent source of new business because your existing clients are sharing their positive experiences with their peers. Reward your clients for making referrals.
  2. Quit marketing to other healers in your networking groups. Your colleagues will support you, and may possibly pass your information along to their clientele, but overwhelmingly, this is wasted effort and money on your part.
  3. Unless you form a coalition of healers and practitioners who are cross-promoting each other’s businesses. The increased visibility to fresh eyes expands your reach to individuals who are already interested in improving their health.
  4. Offer discounts through a coalition of healers to tempt their clientele to at least give your services a try.
  5. Join a network that is committed to advertising to your target market.
  6. Share your promotional materials around hospitals, doctors offices, and other health facilities.

As a holistic health practitioner, one of your main goals is to assist others in improving their lives. Your approach to business is slightly different than the typical model, but it does not mean that you avoid taking steps to build a successful practice. The time spent connecting with your target market should be considered an investment in the future of your business.

SRC Airsoft Pistols – SRC SR92 Gas Blow Back Airsoft Pistol Review

The SRC SR92 M9 gas blow back airsoft pistol is a very quality firearm. However it is not a well known mainstream gun. The article below will give you a quick review of the SRC SR92 so you can see why it is so much better then most of the gas blow back pistols currently offered on the market.

The Technical Specs

  • 8.75″ Long
  • Weighs 2lbs Unloaded
  • 1:1 Scale Of Real M9
  • Fully Adjustable Hop Up
  • Single and Double Action
  • Fully Anodized Aluminum Upper and Lower Receivers
  • Attachment Point For Metal Lanyard
  • Easy Realistic Field Strip Capabilities
  • Green Gas Powered
  • 30 Day Manufacturer Warranty

Whats Included In The Package

When you receive your gun you will notice it comes in a nice hard plastic foam carrying case. When you open the case you will find the pistol, a 21 round magazine and instruction manual. Thats it and its all you need to get going. The magazine holds 21 rounds and the gas bladder holds enough gas to fire the entire magazine with consistent 325 FPS with a.2 gram BB and lock the receiver back after the last round is fired. A quick charge of the magazine and you can squeeze off the 21 round magazine as fast as you can pull the trigger, there is no full auto mode on this pistol.

Its Deadly Accurate

Where the SR92 is different for the other pistols on the market is the barrel. The stock barrel on this weapon is 6.04 MM in diameter making it a tight bore barrel. This tight bore barrel makes this gun accurate out to 70 feet with very tight groupings. This is a lot farther then most airsoft pistols that have large barrel bores and less medium range accuracy. This medium range accuracy makes the SR92 a very versatile secondary weapon.

How Much Will It Cost

You can find the SR92 online at a few select stores for about $102, this is a very competitive price and less then a lot of the pistols on the market. But what when you really look at the performance you get for that price the SRC SR92 pistol is a great bargain.

How to Use a Capo Transition Chart

Many guitarists make use of a capo to change the key they are playing in. This is a quick and easy way to put the guitar into a higher key for a vocal part that is too low. You can also change the key to another one so that it is easy to play along with other instruments. You can however forget what key you are currently playing into. How many times have you transposed a piece of music but can’t quickly work out what key you are actually playing in.

Why transpose a song?

For instance if your chords are in the key of C but you have the capo just below the thirs fret, do you immediately know what key you are now in. Some guitarists can do this in a split second but for people who want to learn to play guitar this can take a few minutes to work out.

How a Capo Transition Chart Works

That is the value of having a Capo Transition Chart. You simply reference the key you are playing in with the fret position of the capo to find the transposed key. Simple. This is quite helpful to people who are learning the guitar and have only learnt a few chords. It means that you can transpose into a key signature where you can play the chords.

I recommend however that you learn at least one new chord a day to get rid of this limitation on your playing as soon as possible. In the meantime here is a small part of a capo transition chart for you to experiment with. The formatting on this page limits how pretty I can make it look but you will get the general idea.

Original Key Chords C E A D

Position 3 New Key Eb G C F

Position 5 New Key F A D G

This just gives you a quick example of the more common key changes you use a capo for. You can get a complete chart that shows all the start keys and the related new keys on a full capo transition chart.

Why Colour Is So Important In Fashion

Colour is the first thing other people notice about us, and its impact is immediate and long-lasting. Our fashion colour choices say a lot about the image we are trying to portray and how we feel about ourselves. So what does colour tell people?

Within seconds of meeting you, others will respond to the ‘colour messages’ flashed by your clothes. It is a fact that different colours can make people feel a certain way. It has even been determined by medical science that colour can influence the viewer’s hormones, blood pressure and body temperature. Colour also has an impact on:

  • Your apparent shape;
  • Your apparent weight;
  • Your apparent personality;
  • Your emotions;
  • Others emotions.

Other important considerations are how appropriate the colour is for the location, occasion, time of year, your age and of course, your natural colouring.

We are all influenced by colour every day, whether we realize it or not. If we’re having a bad day and not feeling good about ourselves, we tend to automatically choose clothes in dull neutral colours like black, grey or brown because they match how we’re feeling. Just as when we’re happy and feeling great we will go for something a bit brighter.

Have a look in your wardrobe and see how many different colours you own. Do you have a veritable rainbow of outfits? Or are there just 1 or 2 colours that you wear a variation of all the time? You may find you are stuck in a colour rut. Knowing this, why not experiment with the colours you wear and surround yourself with.

The first rule is to always be guided by what suits your natural colouring – that is your skin tone, eye colour and hair colour. Once you know your best range of colours, you can choose different colours for different occasions.

Sometimes a certain combination of colours will create the affect, rather than each colour individually. Colours produce different reactions when put together in different colour combinations and when used in different fabrics. For example, a red jacket worn with a white shirt to a business meeting exhibits confidence and power, but a red jacket worn with a lacy red top may be interpreted as you having other things on your mind besides this business meeting.

So which colours are appropriate for what situations? Which colours can help you portray a certain image?

Here is a list of colours for woman that are ideal for a whole range of occasions:

  • Blue-based reds: Suggests intelligence and femininity.
  • Yellow-based reds: Energetic colour that keeps conversations going (Men are inherently attracted to yellow-based reds – a great colour for a first date)
  • Purple: Stirs the senses and generates passion – great for creative endeavours
  • Turquoise: puts other women at ease, encourages them to open up
  • Lipstick red: implies strength and authority
  • Medium blues: a calming colour that allows interactions to go smoothly
  • Browns: non-threatening, stable, supportive and reliable (great for meetings with colleagues or clients)

Remember, the most important thing is to choose colours that are a good fit for your natural colouring. There is no point choosing a colour that suggests creativity and confidence if it also makes you look washed out or sick.

Wearing your best range of colours can have a huge impact on your wardrobe and your confidence. The right colours can make your skin tone appear more even, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and dark circles and make you look brighter and healthier. While on the other hand wearing a colour which isn’t so good for you, can make you look tired, dull and even ill. A colour analysis with a professional image consultant will show you exactly which range of colours are best for your clothing, makeup and accessories.

Once you know your best colour range, you can experiment with colour, choosing different colours to portray a different image or to have a certain impact on others.

Our fashion colour choices tell the world a lot about us. Knowing how to use colour to your advantage can change the way you dress and boost your self-confidence.

How Indian Shopping Malls Will Function in Years to Come?

1. Shipping Centers May Be the Future

We all know that whenever you feel like having some fun and spending quality time with your friends, going to a shopping mall is the best thing to do. Nowadays, people are so busy that they don’t find time to visit a shopping mall, so they prefer shopping from eCommerce sites.

When we talk about India, shopping center conversion to shipping centers has not started to occur yet. However, there is some buzz that the shopping centers will be converted into shipping centers.

2. You Will Find More Than Just Shopping in Future Malls

Now, we find that most of the shopping centers have not yet realized this.

We need to understand that people want to have concrete reasons to visit a mall because almost everything is available online. That’s why in the future, shopping malls will no longer be just about shopping; these malls will be entertaining people.

These malls will be required to evolve as entertainment centers to attract more visitors. Future shopping malls are expected to offer a relaxed atmosphere that is filled with fun and enjoyment.

The situation will be the opposite of what we see today in Indian malls generally, just a large number of products kept in a row and a dull or stressed atmosphere.

3. Experience is What Will Matter

When we talk about the future of retail in India, there are a lot of expectations.

It is expected that the number of restaurants and other fun attractions will increase to a great extent in the coming years. Also, a new trend of conducting various classes such as yoga class, swimming classes, Zumba classes, etc. will increase. Of course, modern people would no longer be interested in visiting a large building with only products; a unique and unforgettable experience will matter the most.

4. Micro-City Malls Are Going to Be the Future

Now, most people in India are bored with the average stores; they are looking for something interesting. According to several retail experts, the idea of traditional shopping malls will be reinvented in the coming years. As we said earlier, the experience will matter more than extravagance, so retail stores will focus on forming fun communities so that customers get a fantastic experience.

Soon, malls will move forward, integrating body or mental wellness centers in the malls.

The integration of recreational centers into the malls will move the retail industry towards building micro-cities.

5. Integrating Environment

We have come to know that future malls will be more about making people socialize.

At the same time, future malls will start integrating the natural elements to revolutionize the kind of environment we experience today in Indian malls. You may expect to see malls with a spacious layout, totally rebuilding the environment you experience, giving it the appearance of a village.

Some retail industrialists have realized how important it is to provide a unique, friendly, and natural experience. From trees to waterfalls and a peaceful atmosphere with a lot of sunlight in shopping centers, the future of shopping malls in India is perhaps very ”Bright”.

6. Urban Farming Is The Way To Go

Nothing can be more exciting than getting fresh fruits, vegetables, or other food items directly from farms. Well, you can expect this to happen in the future.

In India, this may seem to be ”unrealistic,” but in the coming years, a lot of revolutions are going to occur in the retail industry gradually. Incorporating urban farms in Indian shopping malls will take much time, but we should remember that the future malls will take care of you and your needs more than anything else.

7. Robots

The use of modern technologies in shopping centers is going to increase in the years to come. You can expect to be welcomed by some cool robots in the shopping malls. Also, in the coming years incorporating the use of various technological gadgets will take place.

These robots will also serve as sales representatives. So, the future is going to be filled with technology to make the customer dealing more fulfilling.

8. Virtual fitting Rooms

You know what the center’s future has a lot more than just shopping for products by actually trying them. Like, you may expect to find some mirrors that give you the ability to try makeup digitally. In addition to this, you may also be able to try out different outfits with the help of virtual fitting rooms. So, no more struggling and moving in and out of the trying rooms with many outfits, you want to try.

Note that they again seem ”unrealistic” considering the present scenario of Indian shopping malls, but their scope and future beholds a lot of possibilities.

9. Use Of Virtual Reality

With the use of Virtual Reality, shopping becomes much more comfortable.

VR will also become a source of entertainment. In the future, you may not be required to visit theme parks to get amazing virtual experiences.

From the trip to a zoo to going deep under the sea, virtual reality beholds the future, where shopping malls will provide you unforgettable entertainment.

10. Parking That’s Pain-Free

Do you also find it annoying that whenever you go to the shopping malls, face problems when trying to find a parking place? Well, this is a significant problem with traditional shopping malls. In the future, this scenario will become just one of the horrible experiences of the past. The use of overhead sensors will ease out the process of finding a free parking spot.

11. Not Just Limited to Buying or Purchasing Products

Now, we all know that the concept of rental retails has not yet become standard in Indian shopping centers, but gradually it will. Purchasing that costly dress for a party, that doesn’t seem to be a good idea. In the future, you will be able to rent out expensive products that may include exercise equipment or a costly outfit.

12. 3D Advertisements

In almost every average shopping mall, we have seen those bright colored signboards, these things may also become things of the past. Holographic advertisements are going to be the future. In the coming years, you can expect to see more 3D ads that are eco-friendly and can grab the customer’s attention very quickly.

13. Customer Interaction Via Apps

We are already aware of the fact that Apps are being used everywhere. Many shopping giants in India already have their apps for customer interaction. But, in the future, this will increase to a great extent. Navigation through the shopping mall will become smooth, like never before. These apps will give the liberty to reserve the restaurants in advance.

14. Learning Spaces

Soon, you may also find reading rooms in shopping centers, this is following what you earlier said that future shopping malls are going to be more about wellness and learning.

These shopping malls will incorporate a vast library of books to read from.

15. Classroom Retail

This is another exciting idea that can help companies to interact with the customers in a better way. Classroom retail involves various brands organizing gatherings or seminars, including presentations of their services or products to attract potential customers.

These presentations can include the manufacturing process of the product and the people behind the product’s creation. This is an excellent way of engaging customers in a better way. Future Indian shopping malls are going to educate you at the same time and provide entertainment.


So, we have reached the end of this article. We hope you got an insight into the wonderful things that will enhance your experience in the future in a shopping mall. We can say that there are endless possibilities; we are going to see these things in reality in the future.