Global Fashion Industry: How Does Geography Play A Role?

It is a very interesting industry, if you think about it. Much of it still remains arcane for the common man, and trends that emerge and are eventually replaced never really feel like a big deal to most of us. However, if you look back, you might be able to appreciate the change that this has bought about to the human race. In fact, better understanding the global fashion industry might make you appreciate how important this particular industry is. There are a lot of factors that go into molding this industry, some of which are discussed below.

Local atmosphere

Depending on how the local atmosphere might be, this is too tends to take the same image. Hence, if there is some kind of a political imbroglio going in the country, it is bound to affect this just as much. Even culture plays a big role here, and the resulting fashion will be heavily influenced by the designer’s culture and heritage. As one might witness in fashion industries around the world, many of the creations are a direct result of the cultural influence of that particular region. This is a common phenomenon observed in the global industry.

Economic Conditions

It is the end of the day, is yet another industry. Hence, it follows that money makes a big presence in this industry and the lack of which, will clearly affect the industry. High profile designers are constantly looking out for emerging and profitable markets. If they don’t find it in the place they are in, they are guaranteed to look for it elsewhere. This is something important that often changes the seat of power in the global fashion industry. A city that might be considered as the hot seat today might immediately lose face tomorrow if the economy can’t keep up with the industry.

External Influences

In this industry, nothing is considered to be a “copy”. Designs and styles tend to be inspired, and not copied directly. Hence, with the global fashion industry, the fact that outside styles and designs are bound to influence less important fashion industry magazines cannot be neglected. This is an industry that thrives to remain familiar with differences. External influences are an everyday occurrence and cannot be neglected. People are bound to try and change the way things are, but eventually, the best style will be that of the more powerful industry.

Thus, one can actually assume the global fashion industry to be more of a united industry. Much of the factors that influence the global industry are normally those that emerge from familiar industries. These are the things that are worth noticing for and essentially dictate how the industry tends to be. Not only does this industry change regularly, it actually is a requirement that it change as often as possible. This is something that needs to be taken into consideration when analyzing from a global perspective. Overall, this is surely going to intrigue any individual that wants to learn more about it.

Market Driven Innovation

Market Driven Innovation (MDI) is designing, managing and implementing your innovation process based on the needs and wants from your key markets. MDI is not new, but still today, many companies have found it difficult to transform their innovation work from their entrenched technology and product forward approach they have been using to a market back approach. Often, their entire business processes have been built around their assets and products they produce and their go-to-market strategy based on their historical sales experiences. The result of this behavior is premature commoditization of their value propositions, their most important assets. Market Driven Innovation is based on a strict set of principles:

o Engineering/technical resourcing decisions are made based on a validated market need and an attractive business case.

o Organizational Focus is achieved from understanding market segments and targeting the most attractive segments for growth

o A cross-functional team approach, marketing, technical, and sales all contribute to the growth initiative together, and thus are aligned on the strategy:

o Accelerated ramp up after launch from a higher operational knowledge of the market

o Accelerated technology development because better design specifications from a segmented market

o Driven by business leaders who make resource allocation decisions consistent with the strategic direction of the business, and link development to marketing process.

Market Driven innovation begins with a business orientation towards specific and targeted markets. These markets define strategy which defines resource allocations especially those resources dedicated to the innovation process. In this context we define innovation as the creation of value, and Market Driven Innovation as placing emphasis on customer values, beginning with choices as how a business goes to market; to how they position their brand and products in those markets they proactively choose to serve; to the nature of their product improvements; and to their search for new products and services that may more effectively meeting the emerging future needs of their targeted markets.

Identifying these target markets is core to Market Driven Innovation. Understanding what drives market growth and major unmet needs of the key market players as well as how they define value and establish the basis for generating growth ideas and concepts – straight from the market. These ideas and concepts are the genesis of the innovation process. The more market back concepts, the more opportunities for successful growth. Knowing target markets enables a business to:

o Design, communicate, and deliver more robust value propositions aimed at specific market segments

o Capture more of the value we provide because they can measure the value and make strategic pricing decisions that are consistent with their marketing strategy.

o Apply resources more effectively where they bring value by focusing them only on where value is identified.

o Develop and bring new offerings to the market faster because they know what the market values and how to deliver their offering based on value.

o Evaluate new markets where they can bring more powerful value propositions and new offerings

These elements of business design when generated from a market back learning model, form the basis for a market driven organization, and more specifically, Market Driven Innovation as a core driver of your growth process:

o Provides business management with facts from direct contact with the marketplace to decide which concepts merit moving forward with resourcing.

o Balances depth and speed in this disciplined approach using an organized set of activities.

o Enables cross function teams to develop a common understanding, direction, and shared values throughout the innovation cycle

o Enhances chances of success

Voice of the Customer (VOC) captured early and operationally is an essential component of creating and delivering value with the growth process. Capturing VOC is not a trivial or casual activity, and well thought our and designed VOC is critical to Market Driven Innovation. Effective VOC requires:

o Learning Customers desired outcomes – what they want to happen to help them become more successful.

o Getting to Fact based and data driven information that can be translated into offering features that address the customer outcomes.

o Clearly identifies the benefits the customer will receive and thus the discrete value they will place on an effective solution to them.

o Must be well understood by both marketing and technical in the same way with an aligned sense of the relationship to strategy and core competencies.

VOC is the work you do and do well before you even think of applying technical resources to do product development work. In this regard, you don’t misuse valuable and limited technical capacity. Technical people need to focus on projects that have been market validated both to focus their limited resources and provide them with advanced market specifications that help accelerate the development cycle.

To this end, as we will discuss more later, you engage your technical resources along side of your Marketing people to co-learn VOC, and thus both are better prepared to do their work that is defined by your targeted markets. In this way our resources are aligned from day one of an innovation effort through to launch of a new offering. A key outcome of an aligned and shared approach is achieving success faster and at less overall cost. No wasted costs as a result of false starts and lingering stops.

The three key components or a successful change to market oriented MDI are:

o Creating The Right Mindset – Leaders set the agenda

o Building the necessary skill set – A common framework for implementing

o Providing the best toolset – Fact based information guides decisions

Incorporating all three into the business process is a requirement for successful transformation to a market driven organization. It’s as straight forward as knowing where you are going, how to get there, and a map to take you there. We will discuss each of these three success drivers in more detail below

Creating the right mindset

Leaders must take charge of the agenda beginning with examining and changing how they lead, what marketing and technical practitioners do differently, and most importantly, how they work together using a rigorous framework from concept selection through to offering commercialization. Leadership owns the MDI process highlighted below. The first two levels in the process, Concept Development/selection and Market Validation are the critical elements. In this model, Leadership does not resource technology development until sufficient market evidence and validation provides the basis for resourcing. Technology resources only work on market validated concepts. Leadership’s ownership of the process means they:

o Demonstrate the value and set expectation

o Focus and align the organization around strategic direction and core capabilities.

o Identify, and guide the performance requirements necessary to generate the profit results.

o Organize people to assure the right combination of organizational strengths are applied to both know and act effectively on markets.

Three crucial questions are answered in market validation and business case development:

1. Is there an external basis for believing the concept has sufficient value to the market to proceed?

2. What is the best validated value proposition that sets the design basis for development?

3. Can we make money from developing and commercializing this value proposition?

Building the Necessary Skillset

The Innovation provides the basis for skill development and tool utilization. Each element of the framework requires specific work designed to deliver decisions to move from one element to the other. A short description of the work elements are describe below.

Concept Development and selection: Developing and characterizing concepts (sometimes called the “Fuzzy Front End”). Idea generation methods are generally well-known and most work well enough to assure a good set of concepts to evaluate. What we uniquely require is a concept characterization approach that helps the evaluators better understand and choose among several concepts.

Market Validation: Once a project has been chartered, a decision (stage gate) is made to resource to development and includes four key components, validated market landscape; Value Proposition Development; Competitive Alternative Assessment; and Business Model Evaluation. A validated market landscape identifies and characterizes the market spaces in which the concept may bring value. In this context, it provides the basis for demand, and thus the first real attempt at generating revenue potential. It identifies the key specifiers and influencers, and begins to describe their unmet needs that the concept may address as well as key hurdles that must be overcome to have a successful and sustainable initiative.

The Value Proposition is a description of the value your concept will bring to the targeted market, the benefits the market will receive, and how you will get paid for bringing the value. Value proposition development is the holy grail of marketing. If you learn your value proposition, and it truly brings the market real value, you can build the remainder of your growth initiative around it. Value propositions must be measurable and actionable.

Business Case Development: Before you engage in developing the required technology, answer the questrion – “Can we make money on this value proposition?”. Market Driven Innovation often requires a new way to go to market to accelerate and maximize acceptance and value capture. Value adding chain analysis through to the end user is an important skillset to utilize for business model evaluation. Business models are defined by what customers are selected; how we capture value; our level of strategic control; and the scope of our value proposition. The Business Case should be determined as early in the innovation process as possible. Opportunity modeling can provide the necessary basis for understanding the top line potential and the marketing cost for the innovation.

Technical Development:Effective market validation provides the product developers/designers a clear and crisp basis for building in the necessary design elements into an innovation. We now know the needs (what the market is willing to pay for) and the wants (potential areas of uniqueness). No more starts and stops caused by changing specifications from learning on the fly. Product developers can utilize their best practices with the certainty that they are on the right track. Because we begin the development process with clear market understanding, we now can bring the key customers into the development cycle early and often. We know their testing protocols, and their current standards by the competitive alternative they are using today. We design, we test, we engage the customer to test, we upgrade. Active parallel processing accelerates the development process and we get to launch faster.

Commercial Launch: Preparing for the launch includes the short term developing the marketing entry plan and the marketing mix, and the longer term multigenerational planning. These should be done together since the longer term positioning could have an effect on the launch protocol. The launch plan includes the target market; the offering positioning based on the value proposition; the communications strategy and plan; the channel strategy and plan; the pricing strategy and implementation plan driven by long term optimal pricing decisions. Multigenerational planning (beyond the launch); includes second and third generation offerings; strategy mapping; and a revenue acceleration plan. The managing process and control plan are incorporated into the commercial launch to assure optimum demand creation and delivery

Providing a Useful toolset

The toolset necessary to enable Market Driven Innovation consists of an integrated qualitative and quantitative set that enables the Market Driven Innovation team to successfully address the critical market questions identified in their chartered project. Two interdependent approaches make up the composite of Voice of the Customer (Market Driven). Together, they are designed to answer all the questions necessary to progress through the innovation process defined earlier.

A qualitative market learning tool should be installed to translate concepts into possible value propositions, begin the segmentation process, define the industry structure and dynamics, and expose the relative value vs. competitive alternatives. It also provides the basis for design of the quantitative VOC that follows once a decision is made to proceed to the business case and technical development stages.

A quantitative instrument that captures: concept tests including value elements and price; attribute importance rankings and current performance ratings; outcomes rankings; feature benefits; and competitive ratings. Other pertinent information to assist in segmentation should also be incorporated.

Getting Started With Market Driven Innovation: Market Driven Innovation can either be installed inside a business unit which is structured with both a technical and marketing unit, or can be institutionalized within a corporation as “the way we innovate”. The initiation for each is different given both the breadth and depth the sponsors must address in the change process. It is simpler and much faster to initiate change in an organization that is both ready and organizationally integrated. The leadership can evolve the change live while doing their innovation work by starting with a few projects that are definitive and have a short horizon. As the teams demonstrate success the change process takes on a life of its own and becomes a natural new way of doing work. The basic framework for such an approach is:

o Leadership diagnostic to define both scope and level of change required. Many groups already have an external perspective to their work and thus, change becomes a reinforcement of their beliefs.

o Develop and agree on a project plan to install MDI.

o Training the leadership and team on MDI elements. Utilize one or two projects to exemplify throughout the training. Note: the idea here is just in time training. Teams are trained on each element then they experience the element and move forward to training and experience thought each stage of the process. Prevents training fatigue and accelerates progress towards commercialization

o Select and charter projects.

o Customize framework to fit organizational culture and existing operational approaches and language.

Market Driven Innovation can be easily introduced into a Lean Six Sigma culture.

RAP4 T68 Review

The RAP4 T68 is a great paintball gun for experienced players. The gun is authentic looking, sleek in design and most of all a powerful toy that suits a lot of players. The gun ia constructed of all-metal, with the bolt being made out of Delrin which prevents metal-to-metal wear and tear. The RAP4 T68 is the 7th generation from Real Action Paintball with many improvements from the earlier models. The new model has a revolutionary SplitFire which is a dual-feed mechanism. It also has improved compressed air components. Features of the paintball gun include:

Upgraded magazine fed which is optional

Internal Flexi-Air system

200 round hopper adaptor

Upgraded semi-automatic for auto / burst / semi, which is optional

.68 caliber system-uses all standard paintballs

5 year warranty

The paintball gun is a reproduction of the M4 carbine and gives the player the ability to conquer and destroy the opponent. The gun is ideal for spaces that are confined or the open terrain. The T68 has exciting features with accessories which give the player the success of headshots and provides unimaginable cover fire. The stock is multi-positioned and collapses for accuracy which is needed when inside of buildings allowing the player to expand or shorten when needed. The T68 also features carry handle, which is detachable, that allows the user to use the metallic sight or to remove the unit and make your choice of optical sights. This gives the advantage of speed and precision.

The charging handle on the unit is authentic and just that of a assault rifle. The units redesigned bolt and hammer and other features that improve the accuracy, range and overall power. The T68 shoots standard.68 caliber paintballs.

The T68 is not just for players. In fact, law enforcement and military groups use the paintball gun for tactical training dues to its ergonomics of the M4 rifle, its length, its weight and its reliability. It is the real feel of the real thing.

Users have the option of using compressed air from a tank or CO2 with the revolutionary internal Flexi-Air System.

There are many accessories that can be purchased for the T68 such as a transport bag which is perfect to transport and protect the gear. The bag is made of tough nylon with plenty of padding to ensure protection. RAPA4 also offers force training for the T68 which instructs players for force-on-force training. The tactical barrel of the gun is 14 inches with the tip of the gun having some porting and a flash suppressor. Magazine feed system is also available for the gun. Standard paintballs can be run with the hopper attachments which are additional accessories that can be purchased. Strickeforce vests are also available.

In the world of paintball gunners, the T68 is certainly an authentic piece of equipment that is a beauty. It is light, realistic and accurate and undeniably one that players will like to be seen with as it does destroy the opponents both in confined spaces and in the open terrain. The gun is for advanced players and undoubtedly one that is a welcome.

11 Must Have Bluetooth Speakers For Music Lovers

Literally, there is nothing tricky about shopping gifts for music lovers. All you have to do is to put your finger on gadgets that have the best quality music and belong to subtle brands. The best gadgets for music lovers are the ones that have good quality sound, noise cancellation and do not impair the eardrum.

With such a huge variety of music gadgets available in the market, you can easily get the best pick at affordable prices with a list that we have churned.

Let’s know about the best speaker for music lovers of all time:

1. Jawbone Jambox

The stylish jawbone portable Bluetooth speakers have sufficient loud sound to fill up your entire room. The designer outer box is embedded with a strong battery power which can play music for up to 8 hours continuously. The high-quality playback music can keep you grooving and staring all night long. Team up your laptop, mobile phone or any of the Bluetooth enabled gadget to enjoy hardcore music beats right at your home. Also, it comes with an inbuilt speakerphone for astounding conference calls.

2. JBL Clip 2

Another beautiful gadget for music lover that makes it easier to listen and enjoying music is JBL clip 2. The wireless speakers are easy to carry around. Small in size, the gadget can be used as a part of your purse or waistband. The waterproof gadget has nothing to do with damages occurring because of water Splashes. With a rechargeable battery that has a capacity of 8-hour music player, you get amplified music sound quality with the two inbuilt tiny speakers

3. Big Blue Party Indoor-Outdoor Bluetooth Speaker

One of the best speakers for music lover that gives great sound without being huge in size. Available at a price of $300, the gadget comes with 4 Absolute range speaker drivers which are particularly angled to fill up the entire area with surround sound Technology. The upper handle makes it absolutely easy to carry the device anywhere you want. With waterproof casing, it’s safe in case of sudden rains and random water splash occurring Outdoors. The sleek design of the speakers also makes it a good indoor Decor piece of your home.

4. Chromecast Audio

The Wi-Fi speakers are slightly pricey but have all the functions to give you instant mood uplift. Available at a price of $ 35, Chromecast audio is one of the best speakers for music lover that comes with aux port and Wi-Fi support. You can instantly tune up the device by making it compatible with Google play music, Spotify, Pandora, and Iheartradio. As soon as you set up the device in your Android / iOS phone, the music device is good to mesmerize your ears.

5. Harman Kardon Omni 10 wireless Speakers

With the ability to one-touch follow me, the speaker channelizes the sound to the desired direction in which the user commands. The HD audio streaming Technology gives high quality loud and clear sound. So if you wish to have a gadget that has Hi-Tech music quality, Harman Kardon Omni 10 wireless speaker is the correct choice for it.

6. Tdk Boombox

The auxiliary port of the device lets you get connected through USB and RCA cable. Similar to iPod / iPhone, DDA Boombox is one of the finest music gadgets of 2018. The embedded AM/FM feature let you enjoy the traditional as well as the latest hits at a single source. That touch sensitive buttons immediately induce the sound quality with 10-watt side speakers.

7. Logitech Squeezebox Touch

Available at a price of $300 this music box lets you formulate your own music collection by Linking it up with Amazon and iTunes. With endless choices of music, the device has recently partnered with Rhapsody and Pandora so that you can discover latest and more consolidated music services on its colored touch screen.

8. Amazon Echo

The latest hype amongst the music lovers is the second generation Amazon echo digital gadget. The voice-controlled gadget works through personal assistant named Alexa. The device immediately plays the requested song along with executing several real-time tasks. The smart device is one of the best music gadgets produced by Amazon to date.

9. iPod Nano

The latest digital gadget that has a tiny size and yes magnificent features are the best gift for any music lover. The sleek design and lightweight gadget are available at the price of $149. always carry the tiny multi-touch music device while going out jogging.

10. Sony Headphones

With noise cancellation feature and high-quality wireless audio music, you can experience the adaptive sound control in the wh -1000 M2 wireless Sony headphones. The black colored speakers look so trendy on the cool tees. The gadget automatically adjusts according to the individual listening style and altitude level. So if you are a frequent flyer, Sony headphones are the best gadget for it.

11. Music Vault

If you have an extensive love for music, nothing can be better than purchasing music world USB drive that has a huge capacity to store and find music files. Irrespective of the format, it can store up to 8000 songs. the 8 GB version is available at a price of $50, 32GB at a price of $100 and a 16GB variant is available at a price of$80 respectively.

Why To Buy Speaker For Music Lover?

Undeniably, music gives motivation and peace of mind to the listener. It has a positive effect on ears and Soul. Moreover, a good quality music gadget can induce positive and happy and mindset along with relieving anxiety pangs. Psychologically proven, digital gadgets that play good quality music can alleviate your mood and help you to heal faster. The portable music gadgets can be your best friend for life. They keep your brain occupied and let you enjoy life with a positive Outlook altogether.

Fashion Trends Men Should Try This Year

Unlike women, men are a bit more sheepish when it comes to trends and fashion. Actually, men tend to cling to timeless fashion, like ripped jeans and monochromatic clothes. But it doesn’t mean they are not paying attention to fashion or slowly trying (is that a Yeezy or Adidas NMD, I see?). So without further ado, here are some fashion trends men should at least try this year.

Colored clothes

This one could a bit tough to handle for some guys who have been accustomed to wearing black, white and gray. It can intimidating to wear colored clothes. There’s a stigma that you are overreaching in terms of fashion, or generally will look like a rainbow. But the trick here is gradually include colored clothes in your wardrobe. A colored tie here and there, a magenta shirt then combine it with darks you love. This will make you feel more comfortable, and sooner or later you’ll be able to wear more colorful clothes.

Retro sports wear

There’s a common trend in fashion-it comes back at certain periods. However, this time it’s different. Even if retro fashion comes back, it has been updated for more modern times. Case in point, retro sportswear. Giant brands like Fila, Adidas and Tommy Hilfiger have tossed their hats in the trend, and worked wonders for their respective sales.

It can work for a guy’s wardrobe as well. There’s nothing like wearing a blast from the past with a modern bang. Just as effective as a modern shoe or apparel, but with that classic appeal everyone seems to love nowadays. Can you wear it outside the gym or after your training session? Most are made for that purpose as well, which means our nest topic is…


Speaking of sportswear, that’s another fashion men should invest in. Now referred to as ‘Athleisure’, sportswear has been transformed into a lifestyle-sports apparel hybrid. Long gone are the baggy sweats and the high-cut, stiff shoes. Brands like Adidas, are at the forefront of Athleisure wear, churning out shoes and apparel that are good enough for every day wear (even for the catwalk, actually) as well as technologically-advanced and comfortable enough to be used for sports and training. It’s rare to get the best of both worlds nowadays, so guys should make the most of the opportunity.

Vertical Stripes

Solid primary colors are nice in all-for shirts, pants and suits. But you have to live a little dangerously. While that seems like too much of an exaggeration, after all, you are going to wear stripped clothes, not just off a cliff. Most guys feel wearing vertical stripes is similar to jumping off a fashion cliff. Truth be told though, vertical stripes make any men look better, regardless of their body shape and appearance. You can choose the thickness of the stripes to emphasize effects.

Finally, remember that whatever the trend you wear, wear it with confidence. And that’s half of the job done.

The Different Types of Shopping Malls

The shopping malls have been classified by the International council of shopping centers. They have been classified into eight basic types. These include community center, neighborhood center, fashion center, specialty center, outlet center, superregional center, and a theme or festival center. When this list was published in 1999, it was made common for all countries. However, later this list was only meant specifically for the United States and then a separate list was published for the rest of Europe.

A neighborhood center

A neighborhood center is a small scale mall that serves a local neighborhood specifically. They mostly have a drugstore or a supermarket as an anchor. They are also commonly arranged in the format of a strip mall. These types of malls have a retail area of around 30,000 to 150,000 square feet. They also serve a primary area in a 3 mile radius.

A community hall

A community hall can be said to be larger than a neighborhood center. It also offers a very wide range of goods. They mostly feature two anchor stores that are extremely larger than that of a neighborhood center.

A regional center

A regional center is a type of a shopping mall that is designed in such a manner that it can serve a much larger area when compared to a conventional shopping mall. Thus it is capable of offering a much larger retail area and thus it can serve numerous customers at a single point of time.

Superregional center

This is a very large type of shopping center. It covers an area of over 800,000 square feet and this is a gross leasable area.

A fashion center

A fashion shopping center usually consists of upscale boutiques and apparel shops and these cater to customers who are rich or have access to a higher level of income. They also have a retail area that ranges between 80,000 to 250,000 square feet.

A power center

A power center is a very large shopping center that features a lot of big box retailers as anchors. They have a retail area that is in between 250,000 to 600,000 square feet and they also have a primary trade area of 5 to 10 miles.

Festival center

These types of shopping centers have a very distinct and unifying theme that is followed by individual shops and also their architecture. They are mostly located in the urban areas and cater to a large number of tourists.

Weekly Review: Top 3 Anime Series

#3 – Neon Genesis Evangelion

You know how they say you never forget your first time? Well that applies to me with this anime; Neon Genesis Evangelion was the first anime series that I ever really got into. The show had an addicting combination of action, drama, and suspense. I had to keep watching in order to find out what would happen to the characters that I had come to be attached to. The series did a fantastic job at progressing the characters throughout the series, especially through the rough moments. As a viewer, I felt for the main characters as they went through the challenges that the story put them through.

If you haven’t ever heard of Evangelion, it’s a pretty awesome show, though very depressing in the end. The basis is the world is recovering from a global catastrophe known as second impact, and according to sacred documents known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, powerful creatures known as angels are going to be coming to attack. A military organization known as NERV takes the front in the defense of mankind. Their weapon? Mysterious, yet powerful, humanoid robots known as the evangelion, or eva for short. Their pilots have to be carefully picked, as not just anyone can be a pilot to one of these monsters. The main three pilots are all teenagers, chosen for their various reasons and for more specific ones that you learn about later in the series. Shinji, Asuka, and Rei are the main three pilots that make up the story.

#2 – Log Horizon

This anime is pretty much my obsession at this point. No, seriously, I listen to the theme song on the way to and from work every day. This anime series did a fantastic job of explaining the world that the characters are in. By doing this, they kept the audiences interested in the bigger picture, rather than just who fighting who at what time and place. This lead to a much bigger immersion into the anime. I felt as if I was a part of the world, going through the challenges that the characters were going through. It is another anime about people being stuck in a game, but no other anime comes close to explaining the world that they are trapped in. This anime also does an amazing job of explaining the political side of the game. Not everything is adventure and action, most of it, actually, is trying to keep this world, that they find themselves in, running smoothly and peacefully.

So what’s the basis of Log Horizon? Elder Tale is a hugely successful MMORPG that has swept across the world. However, after their latest update, some players, more than a thousand in various servers, find that they are actually in the game. The players, known as adventurers, must learn how to survive and adapt to this new world. They know the game, but it is much different when it is your actual body and you aren’t staring at a computer screen. The series follows a brilliant strategist known as Shiroe, who ends up being the one behind uniting some of the most powerful guilds in the game to establish an order in this world.

#1 – Sword Art Online

There it is! My all time favorite anime series! Sword Art Online is a combination of everything I love to see in an anime. It has plenty of action, a sense of adventure, strong friendships, and blushing romances. The series has become widely popular, and I’m excited to say that I can’t wait for the new movie and also the third season. There is something special about the first arc, which spans about the first 14 or so episodes. This arc, known as the Aincrad arc, is when they are trapped inside the game and fighting for their lives. The way we get to see the main character progress from being a loner, to gaining friends, and eventually falling in love is truly amazing. Even after this arc, the viewer gets to follow along on plenty of adventures and gets to meet all sorts of new characters.

So you haven’t heard about Sword Art Online yet? Wow! This anime series starts out with the launch of a brand new Virtual Reality MMORPG, allowing the player to completely immerse themselves inside of the game. However, the players soon discover that this is a trap set up by the creator, and they can’t log out. If they die in the game, they die in real life. We follow Kirito as he fights in the world of Aincrad to try and clear all 100 levels and return to the real world. Along the way we meet a lot of great, supporting characters such as Asuna, Klein, Liz, and many more!

There you have it! My list of top anime series is based off of my personal experience with each series and as an anime fan. I have watched a lot of anime in my day and can say that these three truly take the top, at least for me. There are plenty of other good anime series out there and I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts.

A History of Music Players

What would our lives be like without music? A couple of words that come to mind would be “bland” and “colorless”. Event the most joyless contrarians likely have at least a basic appreciation of music. For many of us our most vivid memories can be triggered by music. Just a few bars of a particular tune can take us back to very specific times, places, and events in our lives. Those memories often lay dormant until resuscitated by a particular piece of music. Sometimes those memories are bright and soothing. Sometimes they are not. Music stimulates reactions within the listener that cover the entire emotional spectrum. Our rich history of music players, and their development, has been the direct result of our love for the medium.

The History of Music Players Began with Edison:

Thomas Edison introduced the Phonograph—also often referred to as the Gramophone—in 1877. Edison’s Phonograph was the first device that could both record, and play back, sound. This was a revolutionary development. Prior to 1877, back through millennia, music could only be listened to in real time. Great musical performances could not be recorded and were, therefore, not available for wider consumption. You were either one of the fortunate members of the live audience or you had to rely on repeat live performances that may or may not have been equal to the original. There was no recorded music in the home. Imagine that.

Edison’s Phonograph, like all initial breakthrough inventions, was crude in design and function. The sound quality was poor and the device had to be cranked by hand. Nevertheless, Edison had started the evolution that would fundamentally change the way that we consumed music and forever alter the impact of music on our lives. There would be no history of music players without that first Edison Phonograph.

A Major Step Forward:

Vinyl records and the turntable. Aside from the fact that vinyl records are making a comeback there is a very large swath of the population that has never listened to a vinyl record spinning on a turntable. Those folks are deserving of our sympathy. For warmth of sound nothing comes close to vinyl. Never mind the inevitable scratches, the wearing down of the needle, or the occasional warping; vinyl records and their turntables had a magic that the digital evolution has not been able to capture. The pure thrill of pulling an album out of its sleeve for the first time and gently placing it on a turntable cannot be overstated. It goes beyond mere nostalgia. The album covers themselves were often works of art to be enjoyed along with the records. Albums and turntables were a much more tactile experience than any other type of music playback device… perhaps that is what is driving their resurgence.

The Great Leap Forward (???):

Next we get to the much beleaguered 8 Track Cassette Player. This infamous technology entered the scene during the mid-60’s and survived until the late 70’s. Most of its infamy is well deserved. They were extremely high maintenance, requiring one to carry a variety of chemical cleaners, pencils, screw-drivers, tape, and other sundry gadgets just to keep the things working. They hissed, they “clunked” from track to track, and about once a day they would grind to a halt revealing a tangled mess of tape that had to be extricated and rewound. But, they had one glorious advantage… you could play them in your car! They were portable, although “portable” meant that if you wanted to carry your tape collection in your car you needed a small steamer trunk to do so.

Music Clubs:

One by-product of the advent of the 8 track cassette was the introduction of music clubs. Clubs that offered a naive teenager a whopping ten 8 tracks cassettes for only 99 cents. What a deal! The only small caveat was that you had to agree to buy ten more cassettes at the “regular” price over the next 2 years. So what! Still sounded like a great opportunity to a kid with limited funds. Of course the problem was that the ten cassettes you had to buy at regular price came from a very limited selection. Obscure bands with names similar to “Captain Ron and the Bail Jumpers” or “The Blue Moodys”. Most of us kids were eventually turned over to a collection agency…

Improved Cassette Technology (the last analog entry in the history of music players):

Compact Cassette Technology. What a relief. This next generation of music playback was an order of magnitude better than the 8 track cassette. You still had the occasional tape spaghetti phenomena but it was much easier to deal with. The compact cassettes were a fraction of the size of the 8 track, resulting in a game-changing ability to pack a ton of music into a relatively small space. Noise reduction technology had also advanced, thereby significantly improving the overall quality of the sound. Sadly, the “music clubs” continued their endeavors to entrap the unsuspecting youth but by this time I was much too sophisticated to fall for their trickery.

The Digital Revolution:

The Compact Disc made its first appearance sometime during the early 80’s. By the mid to late 80’s CD’s had already overtaken the compact cassette in terms of units and dollars. The ultimate in terms of player reliability, storage, and pristine clarity of signal. It was astonishing to listen to digital music for the first time. No other technology had been able to produce such crystalline quality. How many of us are still holding large quantities of CD’s despite the continued evolution of digital technology?

Digital vs Analog. There are some (myself among them) that claim that the transition from analog to digital, while greatly improving signal clarity, has come at the expense of warmth. If you doubt that, just listen to Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon” on CD and then on Vinyl. But, that is perhaps a topic for another day.

Where will our history of music players take us from here? It will be fun to find out.

Lip Rings: A Fashion Statement for Today’s Youth

In recent years, fashion and fashion statement has got many new aspects. With the ever-increasing new concepts and dimensions in fashion world, today’s generation is accepting appealing fashion styles to be a part of mainstream. One of such most popular trend in today’s youth is wearing lip rings. It not only represents a fashion statement but is also a way to express independence and attitude.

Amazingly, trend of wearing lip jewelry is taking on storms in both men and women equally because perhaps, wearing lip ring goes with the fashion, lust and pleasure together. There are numerous styles and designs of lip rings available to fulfill the desire of extremely choosy youth. Many sport stars, fashion divas, film star and glamorous style icons are presenting forward the fashion of lip piercing. Lip ring types vary with respect to piercing location. Usually, a traditional lip ring gets on the bottom lip but when it comes to studs, they are well suited on the side of the lower or upper lips. ‘Bites’ are also famous among youth which means wearing two or more rings in a specific way.

As far as the lip ring’s material is concerned, it can be any of several materials but it is important that the lip stud or ring is made of superior grade material like gold, platinum, surgical steel or any AAP (Association of Professional Piercers) approved materials. Quality material lip rings decorated with diamonds, sparkles, different colours, shapes, and designs are rocking today. The trend of lip piercing is growing rapidly all over the world. They definitely make an inviting fashion statement. Quality material costs a bit more but it is certainly worth it for hygiene and health.

Getting a lip pierced is not a casual decision because it comes with the probable risk factors of health and hygiene. It may cause an infection and may take time to heal completely. It comes along with the restrictions of performing some activities which can be done otherwise easily. Some jewellery types and shapes may cause damage to teeth and gums. So it is necessary to take extra care of dental and overall oral health in order to avoid unwanted irritation, deterioration and pain. Getting lips pierced is something that remains permanent. It is always advisable to take an expert’s opinion and those who wear lip studs or rings. With proper care and selection of rings, this fashion beats many fashion trends undoubtedly.

How To Save Money While You’re Shopping

I really like going for thrift and furniture consignment stores looking for original retro furniture, really do!

For me, this is exactly like a scavenger hunt… but it of course has ‘dark sides’.

Frequently persons complain regarding them ‘obsession’ to the nearby second hand stores and also them being unable to say No to low-priced deals, 100 % useless for them.

The end result of this ‘habit’ is usually a storage room packed with useless (or unsuitable for them homes) retro furniture that they later on decide to sell or get rid of one way or another.

There are a few interesting points about them ‘impulse’ thrift purchases:

1. All the money spent over 1 year on not-so-indispensable objects might have been invested in some thing far more useful or necessary.

2. All of this buying require them to redesign their houses all the time to find a spot for everything they got. Really feel for them!

Then I thought to myself: “You have a passion for furniture consignment stores and thrift stores as much as they do. Why then don’t you share your recommended solutions to this impulse-buying habit?”

How I stopped wasting money and began saving for those things I truly desire: a teak sideboard.

At the first place, every time I stop to some thrift store or consignment store, I allow myself a budget: 50 euro. Is your choice how much money you intend to spend every single time, I on average choose fifty euro and it truly does work. I learned that the more permissive you’re with yourself, the more difficult it might be to stick to the magical 4 rules below.

The magical 4 guidelines to save cash while you are thrifting.

1. I go in the end.

This is especially true for flea markets. Going – say – one hour approximately before the closing time, you may have far more possibilities to get what you need at the price you desire it. This is specially true for the massive furniture that the seller might not want to bring back. I call it the ‘Critical Seller Hour’.

On the last hour or so, many sellers have to accomplish the largest amount of sales as is possible which means that they are even more ready to accept negotiations and reductions than they’re at the beginning of the day; it’s natural…other wise they would not have a lucrative day!

2. I avoid using the car.

Yes, I know that this may come such as a shock for most of you. If you go by public transportation or on your motorcycle, or even just if you share the car with others that would like to thrift with you, you simply won’t have plenty of space to carry crappy stuff and you will be obligated to choose!

Ok… maybe you are wondering…and let’s suppose I find that wonderful retro furniture I’ve been trying to find a long time, then I can’t buy it! No doubt you can, you could leave a deposit and come back later with your car

3. I have a ‘thinking walk’ before buying.

If I notice something I love, I go to get a walk before I ask for the price…Going around and having time to think it over is comparable to counting till 10 just before saying something

Whilst I am having my ‘thinking walk’, I always ask myself:

a. Do I really want it? b. Where would I place it at home?

Having a walk around also can help to understand the frequent value for that kind of retro object and be sure that the one you have seen isn’t over-priced; it happens often!

4. I never say OK I BUY IT.

If you’re absolutely positive that you really would like that object, that you have the appropriate place for it and that it does not cost too much compared to others in the market: go for it but don’t buy it.