Pros and Cons of Bow Hunting vs Rifle Hunting

Most rifle hunters say that bow hunters should rifle hunt while bow hunters say that rifle hunters should pick a bow. In the end do what makes you most happy and most comfortable.

1. Pros-Bow Hunting: Bow hunters definitely don’t have the crowd that rifle hunters have to deal with. Bow hunters rarely see anyone else and being surprised if they do happen upon another bow hunter. Your chances of seeing bigger and more animals increases by 3 times. During the bow season elk and mule deer tend to stay out longer during the morning and come out earlier in the evenings increasing your odds for success. Hunting with a bow requires skill on many levels therefore making it more rewarding in a bow hunters eyes. The weather is better during this season.

2. Cons-Bow Hunting: Bow hunting is difficult. Your percentage for success is much lower than a rifle hunter. Bow equipment is more expensive than a rifle equipment. It can be very frustrating at times, I’ve talked to bow hunters who have spent all day stalking a trophy buck only to get within 70 yards and have the deer catch wind of the hunter and they vanish like a fart in the wind.

1. Pros-Rifle Hunting: Shooting a rifle through a scope at long range is fun and can be challenging especially if you’ve got buck fever. Your success for harvesting an animal increases greatly because of the distance the rifle has that the bow doesn’t. Rifle hunting doesn’t take as much practice as a bow does. It’s cheaper and more people can enjoy and go rifle hunting. The leaves have fallen off the trees making it easier to see the game from longer distances.

2. Cons-Rifle Hunting: Lots of people. Last year I counted 50 trucks coming into the mountain where I was hunting mule deer. Luckily I was already sitting in my position when the rest of the hunters started up the hill. The weather can be horrible and nasty. Many hunters love the cold, snowy, freezing weather because it brings out the deer however some people beg to differ.

Electronic Keyboards – Their History and Development

The term “electronic keyboard” refers to any instrument that produces sound by the pressing or striking of keys, and uses electricity, in some way, to facilitate the creation of that sound. The use of an electronic keyboard to produce music follows an inevitable evolutionary line from the very first musical keyboard instruments, the pipe organ, clavichord, and harpsichord. The pipe organ is the oldest of these, initially developed by the Romans in the 3rd century B.C., and called the hydraulis. The hydraulis produced sound by forcing air through reed pipes, and was powered by means of a manual water pump or a natural water source such as a waterfall.

From it’s first manifestation in ancient Rome until the 14th century, the organ remained the only keyboard instrument. It often did not feature a keyboard at all, instead utilizing large levers or buttons that were operated by using the whole hand.

The subsequent appearance of the clavichord and harpsichord in the 1300’s was accelerated by the standardization of the 12-tone keyboard of white natural keys and black sharp/flat keys found in all keyboard instruments of today. The popularity of the clavichord and harpsichord was eventually eclipsed by the development and widespread adoption of the piano in the 18th century. The piano was a revolutionary advancement in acoustic musical keyboards because a pianist could vary the volume (or dynamics) of the sound the instrument produced by varying the force with which each key was struck.

The emergence of electronic sound technology in the 18th century was the next essential step in the development of the modern electronic keyboard. The first electrified musical instrument was thought to be the Denis d’or (built by Vaclav Prokop Dovis), dating from about 1753. This was shortly followed by the “clavecin electrique” invented by Jean Baptiste Thillaie de Laborde around 1760. The former instrument consisted of over 700 strings temporarily electrified to enhance their sonic qualities. The later was a keyboard instrument featuring plectra, or picks, that were activated electrically.

While being electrified, neither the Denis d’or or the clavecin used electricity as a sound source. In 1876, Elisha Gray invented such an instrument called the “musical telegraph.,” which was, essentially, the very first analog electronic synthesizer. Gray discovered that he could control sound from a self-vibrating electromagnetic circuit, and so invented a basic single note oscillator. His musical telegraph created sounds from the electromagnetic oscillation of steel reeds and transmitted them over a telephone line. Grey went on to incorporate a simple loudspeaker into his later models which consisted of a diaphragm vibrating in a magnetic field, making the tone oscillator audible.

Lee De Forrest, the self-styled “Father Of Radio,” was the next major contributor to the development of the electronic keyboard. In 1906 he invented the triode electronic valve or “audion valve.” The audion valve was the first thermionic valve or “vacuum tube,” and De Forrest built the first vacuum tube instrument, the “Audion Piano,” in 1915. The vacuum tube became an essential component of electronic instruments for the next 50 years until the emergence and widespread adoption of transistor technology.

The decade of the 1920’s brought a wealth of new electronic instruments onto the scene including the Theremin, the Ondes Martenot, and the Trautonium.

The next major breakthrough in the history of electronic keyboards came in 1935 with the introduction of the Hammond Organ. The Hammond was the first electronic instrument capable of producing polyphonic sounds, and remained so until the invention of the Chamberlin Music Maker, and the Mellotron in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s. The Chamberlin and the Mellotron were the first ever sample-playback keyboards intended for making music.

The electronic piano made it’s first appearance in the 1940’s with the “Pre-Piano” by Rhodes (later Fender Rhodes). This was a three and a half octave instrument made from 1946 until 1948 that came equipped with self-amplification. In 1955 the Wurlitzer Company debuted their first electric piano, “The 100.”

The rise of music synthesizers in the 1960’s gave a powerful push to the evolution of the electronic musical keyboards we have today. The first synthesizers were extremely large, unwieldy machines used only in recording studios. The technological advancements and proliferation of miniaturized solid state components soon allowed the production of synthesizers that were self-contained, portable instruments capable of being used in live performances.

This began in 1964 when Bob Moog produced his “Moog Synthesizer.” Lacking a keyboard, the Moog Synthesizer was not truly an electronic keyboard. Then, in 1970, Moog debuted his “Minimoog,” a non-modular synthesizer with a built-in keyboard, and this instrument further standardized the design of electronic musical keyboards.

Most early analog synthesizers, such as the Minimoog and the Roland SH-100, were monophonic, capable of producing only one tone at a time. A few, such as the EML 101, ARP Odyssey, and the Moog Sonic Six, could produce two different tones at once when two keys were pressed. True polyphony (the production of multiple simultaneous tones which allow for the playing of chords) was only obtainable, at first, using electronic organ designs. There were a number of electronic keyboards produced which combined organ circuits with synthesizer processing. These included Moog’s Polymoog, Opus 3, and the ARP Omni.

By 1976, additional design advancements had allowed the appearance of polyphonic synthesizers such as the Oberheim Four-Voice, and the Yamaha series CS-50, CS-60, and CS-80. The first truly practical polyphonic synth, introduced in 1977, was the Sequential Circuits Prophet-5. This instrument was the first to use a microprocessor as a controller, and also allowed all knob settings to be saved in computer memory and recalled by simply pushing a button. The Prophet-5’s design soon became the new standard in the electronic keyboards industry.

The adoption of Musical Instrumental Digital Interface (MIDI) as the standard for digital code transmission (allowing electronic keyboards to be connected into computers and other devices for input and programming), and the ongoing digital technological revolution have produced tremendous advancements in all aspects of electronic keyboard design, construction, function, sound quality, and cost. Today’s manufactures, such as Casio, Yamaha, Korg, Rolland, and Kurzweil, are now producing an abundance of well-built, lightweight, versatile, great sounding, and affordable electronic keyboard musical instruments and will continue to do so well into the foreseeable future.

Mistakes That Fashion Designers Must Avoid

Fashion designing is a challenging career on its own and if you start to make mistakes, then you are only going to make your situation worse. All mistakes are not bad, as learning from them is important and makes the best fashion designers. However, there are a few common mistakes that a lot of designers make, which eventually land them in hot water.

Honesty, not only to others, but to yourself is very important in the fashion industry. There will be times you will make mistakes, but how and what you learn from them is going to be crucial to your success. There are a few things that you should avoid in order to be one of the best designers. What are they? Let’s take a look:

Thinking you know everything

One of the common mistakes fashion designers make is believing that they are aware of everything there is to know about the fashion business. Such a perception can sometimes be unintentional and can lead to disastrous consequences for your career or business. Having the attitude to learn is an important step to improving and becoming a successful fashion designer. There is always someone you can find in your company that might know more about something you are working on, so it a good idea to ask for their help and expertise. The best designers are constantly improving and learning and it is a habit you should get used to as well.

Not caring about the finances

A lot of designers make the mistake of focusing too much on the creative side of things and not caring about the finances. This is a big mistake, as being aware of the financial basics can be an important asset to have. Fashion designers often have to create budgets for their projects, as well as work within those budgets. Knowledge about the financial aspects helps in making the process easier. It can also be useful in making better decisions and minimizing the probability of making mistakes.

Being nervous about selling

Although, as a fashion designer your focus and your expertise do not lie in the sales department, you should never shy away from making a sale and accepting phone calls. It is understandable that designers are nervous about such stuff but interacting with customers can be beneficial to designers as well. Furthermore, designers should interact with their sales team and come up with plans to best sell their product. Communication between the two is vital in creating a successful product.

Going at it alone

While it can be tempting to pursue your dreams of fashion designing alone, it is important that you understand that it is not possible to do so. Even the people who look like they do not need any help will tell you the same; they cannot do it without the help of others. Every now and then you will need support and guidance from someone who is better equipped or has handled situations that you have no clue about. So, don’t be shy in approaching someone to ask for help.

Bull Market Baloney

When investing in the stock market for the first time, you’ll more than likely hear of two types of market – bear and bull. A bear market is one that is typically heading downwards, with negative activity and poor forecasting. The contrasting bull market is one that is heading upwards, with positive forecasts likely. The natural reaction to have with a negative bear market is not to invest, while in a bull market the reaction would be to follow the crowd and pour your money in. However, this mentality is paradoxically illogical, and this article will explain why.

One of the most spectacular bull market booms and busts in history was the growing Dotcom Bubble during the late nineties, followed by its spectacular crash from March 2000 to October 2002, in which some $5 trillion was removed from the value of technology stocks and shares. What ostensibly happened in this instance was an overwhelming speculative sentiment about the potential of the Internet, with hundreds of companies sprouting up with similar business plans and securing investment. Venture capitalists saw the rise of these shares, and were keen to get in on the action quickly, bypassing normal constraints and caution, while also increasing the value of stocks even further. As more and more people jumped on the technology bandwagon, the prices skyrocketed until eventually the bubble burst, destroying the value of many people’s investments.

The Dotcom Bubble is a classic example of when bull market sentiment gets completely carried away. Prices rose, more and more people jumped on the bandwagon, which sent prices higher, and then prices collapsed. When times start getting good, and you see other people making a fortune, it’s easy to be seduced by soaring prices. However, just imagine you invested in the NASDAQ around its March 2000 peak of 5000 points. Within nearly two weeks you would have stood to lose 9% of your investment, while within a year you would have seen it lose its value by some 50%.

The thing to learn about bull markets is that it’s difficult to know when it will run out of steam. The key is not to go with the flow of the market and invest during times of rising prices. If you were to buy on a rise, then sell when the market begins to fall, you would be following the illogical investment policy of buy high, sell low, which puts you in stead to lose money. Instead of this strategy, watching intently on booming markets and waiting for the moment they run out of steam and begin to fall is a better strategy. When stocks become overpriced, as tech stocks did in the Dotcom Bubble, they will inevitably burst, but buying in the aftermath of a collapse could lead to securing a bargain. Buying during ‘bear market’ periods is therefore a more likely way of finding a buy low sell high strategy.

If you’re looking to invest, the current bear market in stocks indicates a good time to buy. Warren Buffet, the world’s richest man largely due to his investment strategy, has said there’s never been a better time to buy US stocks, while in the UK, the FTSE 100 is only worth 60% of what it was this time last year. If you’re looking to find out more on investments, then take a look at Legal and General.

Galaxy G5K MP5 Review – Looking at High Grade MP5 Airsoft Guns

Interested In Airsoft Guns?

If you are in the market for high grade MP5 airsoft guns you need to look no further then the galaxy G5K. Below will will offer our review of the galaxy G5K MP5 personal defense weapon, or PDW as it is commonly known.

First Impression

To start with the first thing that will impress you about this gun is the price, most online retailers will offer it for under $100. But do not be fooled by the low prices because unlike other guns in this price range this is not a plastic low grade weapon but rather a full metal solidly built soft air gun that looks and feels like the real thing.

Build Quality

When you first pick it up you will be amazed by the weight of the gun for its size, this is due to the amount of metal used in its construction. You will also notice how tight it fits together and how solid it feels when you hold it. You will feel no loose handles or grips or rattles with this weapon. In fact even the included 240 round magazine snaps tightly into place with little to no wobble.


Out of the box using.2 gram BB’s this air soft gun will shoot 320-330 feet per second with a rate of fire that is in the range of 9-11 rounds per second. In tests we were able to accurately shoot out to a range of about 75 feet, after that accuracy degraded quickly. Although if you want an MP5 airsoft gun you realize that they are meant for close quarter battle and not long range shots!


No honest review would be complete without pointing out something that was not liked about the product. Although it was very hard to find something we did not like about this gun it would have to be the paint on the firing switch looked old and faded right out of the box. Although not a big problem or one that will affect performance it is still worth mentioning.

Our Final Verdict

When it comes to high grade mp5 airsoft guns the galaxy G5K really stands out from the rest of the crowd. With great construction, low price and good performance it makes perfect sense for anyone who wants to inexpensively get into air soft and have a weapon that can advance with them through the hobby.

Blondie Biography and Top 10 Songs

There were two main reasons I started listening to Blondie and they were: first I thought Debbie Harry was amazingly beautiful and second the style of music they made. At the time I got into Blondie I was listening to a lot of punk and new wave stuff like The Sex Pistols, The Clash, Sham 69, The Exploited, Ramones, Ian Dury, The Stranglers, etc… and it also helped me to annoy my parents. I actually used to like putting posters on my wall when I was a kid at school and one of my posters was a full size poster of Debbie Harry.

Blondie are an American punk/new wave cross and were formed in 1975 and consisted originally of Chris Stein, Debbie Harry, Jimmy Destri, Clem Burke and Gary Valentino. They were originally named “Angel And The Snake” but changed their name to Blondie in 1975 because Debbie Harry was repeatedly referred to as Blondie.

The self titled Blondie debut album was released in 1976 and then re-released a year later when they signed to a new record company. The band first received commercial success through an Australian TV show cock-up, the show was supposed to play the video to X Offender but actually played the video to In The Flesh. This event saw the album reach #5 in the chart. In 1977 Gary Valentine had left and the album Plastic Letters was released and saw Blondie achieve success in the UK when the album went in to the top ten.

The hole that was made when Gary left the band was filled in 1978 by the inclusion of Frank Infante and then a new member (Nigel Harrison) was also added and Blondie embarked on a massive UK tour which included a gig at The Roadhouse where The Boomtown Rats Opened. This tour made Blondie one of the first American New Wave bands to attain success in the UK.

Blondie started to see even more success after the release of their third album Parallel Lines in 1978 which contained the song Heart Of Glass which was their first US #1 hit and actually went on to sell over 1 million copies. Blondie seemed to be more popular in the UK and this was somewhat due to the singles Sunday Girl (which went to #1) and also One Way Or Another. Their fourth album Eat To The Beat also had many singles which were popular in the UK (Dreaming, Atomic and Union City blues).

1980 saw Blondie rise again in the US chart with the Release of the album Autoamerican which contained the hit singles The Tide Is High, Rapture and Call Me (which was recorded for the movie American Gigolo). Rapture is the only Blondie single to get a higher chart position in the US (#1) than the UK (#5) and was revolutionary because of the combination of rap/hip-hop with their usual sound.

The Hunter was released in 1982 and didn’t do as well as some of their previous albums and both Debbie Harry and Jimmy Destri had both released solo albums in 1981. After the decline in popularity of the band and the rising media attention of Debbie she decided to leave and Blondie broke up in August 1982. In 1997 they reformed and in 1999 the release of No Exit saw them return to the top of the charts once again and the single Maria reached #1 in the UK exactly 20 years after their first which was Heart Of Glass.

Blondie released the album The Curse of Blondie in 2003 and March 2006 saw Blondie inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame and also onto the Rock Walk Of Fame at Guitar Center on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood.

My Top 10 Blondie Songs are:

01. Island of Lost Souls

02. Dreaming

03. One Way or Another

04. X Offender

05. Kung Fu Girls

06. (I’m Always Touched By Your) Presence Dear

07. Union City Blue

08. For Your Eyes Only

09. Maria

10. Good Boys

Gothic Culture – History and What Is Gothic Culture and Fashion

What is goth?

Gothic fashion has nothing to do with dramatic medieval architecture or Germanic tribes that overthrew the Roman Empire. Today, gothic or goth, is a culture itself. It is a way of life, reflected in clothes, jewelry, music, attitude, and all fashion and art.

Gothic fashion history

Goth originated in England during the early-1980’s as a subculture from punk – developing its’ own music, literature and fashion. It’s thought the name derived from an article called The face of Punk Gothique in a UK rock magazine published in 1981. Movies like The Crow brought the culture across the Atlantic, first to California.

40-years and stronger than ever!

Gothic popularity has been increased by the media and the desire for youngsters to look different. Perhaps this is why gothic customs have survived much longer than other subcultures from the same era.

Being goth

Goths take the culture very serious to the extent of a way of life. They believe that good and evil, beauty and destruction, light and dark, can’t exist without each other – and therefore their values of these are different to the norm.

They have a perverse sense of humour and a love of dark 19-century literature and their own music. Goths can find art and beauty where these seem to be lacking

Why become goth?

Although dressing in Victorian black velvet and wearing armour rings is artificial – Goths do so to show off their culture and attitude to life. Being “dark” allows them to view life’s bad sides in a positive way.

Some youngsters turn to goth culture to mirror the way they feel about their life, especially if they find it difficult to fit in society or mix with others. There is nothing wrong with this – in fact, it is a good thing for people to learn to express their individuality. Far better to expose these feelings this way, then in a violent or anti-social form.

False assumptions

Some think that gothic culture is negative, glamorizing sadism and doom. Others believe Goths are violent and anarchist. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Goths are usually relaxed, tolerant, non-violent and pacifistic people who use their fascination with death to look at life optimistically. Furthermore, goths are usually creative, using their imagination to make themselves stand out from others.

Goth things:

  • Body piercing
  • Bondage
  • Crucifix
  • Dark clothing
  • Dark wristbands
  • Different hair style
  • Egyptian ankh
  • Eye of Ra
  • Full finger rings
  • Light make-up
  • Punk rings
  • Spike jewelry

Benefits of Shopping Malls

The earliest malls were Paris Arcades in the 19th century. They became very popular with shoppers instantly. Since then shopping malls have evolved to suit people’s tastes. Shopping malls are the most preferred shopping areas in our times among shoppers across the globe.

Earlier shops in shopping centres catered to the elite. But it is no longer the case. Now, there are shops in shopping malls which cater to different budgets.

Shoppers prefer shopping centres/malls to stand-alone shops for various reasons:

1. They have their own parking facility.

2. There is a wide variety of products available.

3. There are products from competing producers available under one roof. So, they can compare and make purchases.

4. They have facilities such as restrooms.

5. They have gaming zones.

6. There are food courts with a wide variety of cuisine.

7. There are movie theatres in shopping centres.

All these features making shopping a fun-filled and satisfying experience.

Since shopping centres are the most sought-after shopping destinations, it is beneficial for a businessman to set up a store in a shopping mall. Generally, retail store owners rent shop space in a mall. Renting store space benefits the businessman in many ways.

• Shopping malls are usually located in prime locations which are easily accessible. If a retailer sets up a store in a mall, he can have the shop in a prime location with a minimal investment. On the other hand, if he attempts purchasing a shop in such a location, he may not be able to afford it. A rented property implies low initial investment. This enables the businessman to utilize the saved amount on his business.

• He can attract clients of competitors who have shops in the mall. This enables him to build a clientele easily.

• He does not have to direct his time and efforts towards the maintenance of the shop. This helps him to focus on his business.

• Generally, the charges for utilities are included in the rent. Hence, he does not have to involve himself in these matters.

• Many a time, businessmen set up pop-up stores in shopping centres in order to attract customers for new products. This is a popular location for a pop-up store as it is a high traffic area.

With so many benefits of shopping malls to shoppers as well as businessmen we can conclude that shopping centres will only rise in popularity with time.

Alternative Weapons – Instinctive Self Defense

What form of self-defense could be more instinctive than using whatever ordinary objects around you to defend yourself against an attacker? Objects that were neither designed with self-defense in mind, nor specially carried for such a purpose by you. Objects that will neither raise the suspicion of Law Enforcement, nor take up any extra room since you would have had them either on your person or in your surroundings and environment anyway.

A person who has the right motivation, talent and will to survive can employ almost any object as a weapon.

Anything can become a weapon when your mind is the real weapon. Governments can’t ban it, customs can’t confiscate it and the only time you don’t have it is when you are asleep. This is the KEY lesson you should take away from this article.

In today’s anti-weapons climate many times and in many locations it’s impossible to carry a gun or knife (Courts, airports, etc). Even in your home at the time of a violent invasion you might not be close to your gun, or even knife.

Sometimes all you have left is your tactical creativity and your motivation and ability for thinking outside the box.

Your mind will always be your greatest weapon, not least of all because with your intelligence and ingenuity you can locate the most effective duel use objects to use as weapons during an assault. Your mind is a weapon, and with it you are never unarmed. Wherever you are I guarantee you you are surrounded by a multitude of potential weapons. Learn to spot them effectively.

While the will to use improvised weapons is often instinctive for the experienced fighter, the effectiveness of such improvised weapons can depend on how good an eye you have in not only quickly locating and choosing your improvised “weapon” but also on your ability to use that object in a way that will disable your attacker effectively (or allow you to escape the threat). And it is this ability that will increase only with proper training.

First a few thoughts on Natural Reactions:

Think of fights you might have seen yourself. What are the first natural reactions a person has when being attacked? First the person will put up his arms to block any attack, then they will instinctively grab for any object that can multiply the expediency of their own “god” given weapons (their body and limbs). Often one of the first such objects grabbed is a chair and it is used as a shield. If not a chair it will be another object that can be used as either a weapon or shield. It’s an instinctive and natural reaction displayed by seasoned fighters and people with no experience in self defense alike.

Often the manner in which the attacked will use the object depends on their mindset and/or level of aggression and the situation itself. For example some people when attacked will grab a chair and only use it as a shield. Other more aggressive fighters will instinctively begin hitting their attacker with the same chair and thus using it more as a striking weapon than merely a shield. Using the chair or other object as a striking weapon will disrupt your attacker’s ability from gaining direction, lead and control of the attack. While using the chair or other object as a shield can often be useful initially (especially in a surprise attack) you need to gain dominance and control rapidly through overwhelming force and aggression.

Often not much thought goes into such a split second decision in terms of exactly which object to grab for. There simply isn’t enough time for someone who is being attacked to weigh up the potential effectiveness of one object over another. This will come with experience.

At the end of the day though, almost any object can be used as either a weapon or atleast a shield, some objects that I’m sure you would never have thought of as weapons or even shields. Obviously though, some objects are more effective than others.

The following is a list of a few possible objects you very well might have in your environment that could be employed as improvised weapons or shields:

The flashlight:

A favourite among many a self defense practitioner for years now. Wrap some 550 paracord around it and make a Koppo type weapon or use by itself. Either way it’s a popular alternative weapon (and flashlight!). Can be used to momentarily blind an attacker or as an impact weapon. See specialist knowledge on how to use it most effectively.

Car antenna:

Listen up, in particular women who walk alone in car parks! You can quite quickly break off a metal car antenna and use it to fend off one or more attackers in a whipping action. The strikes can be very painful and effective and will likely at the very least stun and discourage an attacker from continuing. Remember, often these predators are looking for an easy victim. If you prove to the attacker that you’ll be more trouble than your worth, he’s quite likely to discontinue the attack and seek out someone who will give him less trouble.


Not the easiest or most effective option in reality despite often being recommended by defensive instructors. Shouldn’t be your first choice, however if you have nothing else at hand it’s better than nothing. Hold key between middle fingers and use to punch with greater effect. Or can be used to scrape across attacker’s face.

Steel cap boots:

Often overlooked but very legal everywhere and a very painful alternative weapon. Kick attacker in the shins or groin. A real fight stopper with proper aim.


As the saying goes, “The pen is mightier than the sword”. Well, surely that was meant figuratively. In any case, when carrying a sword during your daily business is not a reasonable option (and I can’t imagine it is for most people) a pen makes quite a mighty alternative weapon. Another favorite among seasoned Martialists. Can be used as a stabbing implement or as a makeshift Kubaton. Hold in a pikal grip with your thumb on the clicker or blunt end and stab down or sideways repeatedly with the pointy end outwards. Hit to the liver, other soft appendages and neck for greatest effect. If you know how to use a Kubaton you know how to use a pen as a weapon. Choose a hefty strong metal pen like the now discontinued Rotring 600, a beefy hexagonal pen made of chrome-plated brass. Always legal, always useful for the intelligent and literate person for more than just self-defense, and a good alternative weapon for the concerned self defense practitioner.

The beer bottle, or other glass bottle:

Be careful with this one. Unlike in the movies DO NOT ever first break the bottle on the table thinking you’ll be left with a sharp knife like weapon. You won’t. In reality what you will be left with is a small piece of the bottle’s neck.

That’s it. Nothing sharp protruding at any length and nothing you can use effectively as a weapon.

In fact, for that matter, most of what you see on TV does not work, was never meant to work, and if you try it you’ll probably be in big trouble.

You can still use a glass bottle as a weapon though, just don’t break it on the table first, smash it directly in your attacker’s face! Preferably use a glass bottle full of liquids, as an empty one will be far less effective.

Coffee mug or glass or ceramic cup:

Smash it across your attacker’s face much like the glass bottle.

If you have hot coffee inside at the time, obviously splash it on his face. All the sudden you won’t complain that McDonalds makes their coffee too hot. The hotter the better as an alternative weapon.

If there is alcohol inside your glass, throw it in your attacker’s face. Aim for the eyes for stinging effect.


An old army trick. Use a large one as a makeshift “knuckleduster”. Works well. Punch and hammer fist your attacker’s head and face. Preferably you would have a steel one, but an aluminum type will work well enough if need be.

A chair:

A chair, not only to keep lions at bay they can also keep your attacker at bay or shield you from a knife attack. They also make good larger improvised impact devices, although they are mainly best used as a shield.

Trash can lid:

Another great improvised shield. The trash can itself can be thrown at the BG and might at least give you time to escape or to employ a better weapon.

Dresser drawer:

That’s right, if you’re attacked in your bedroom immediately grab and pull out a drawer from the dresser. Can be used as a shield or even as an impact weapon, much like the laptop or book. Check out your drawers right now and see if they come out completely and easily. If they don’t, try modifying them.

Walking cane/stick:

One of the best alternative weapons. Huge striking power. Easy to use and especially effective with modern Arnis Filipino stick fighting techniques. Always legal, always with you, always right in your hand ready to be used to strike, to disarm or to block an attack. It can however make you seem weaker or partially disabled, and thus can make you a more desirable victim or target to an attacker. Remember, predators target the weakest people, or in other words the people who they think will put up the least amount of fight. Keep this in mind and decide for yourself whether a walking stick is a good option. Certainly, in any case, if you carry a walking stick then do seek out combat stick training.

A padlock:

Devastating weapon, you can only hope to be lucky enough to have one handy. Slip your middle finger inside the steel loop with the rest of the padlock in your fist. Use as makeshift knuckleduster or fist-load. Or swing padlock at your attacker while holding it with one finger and the rest of padlock outwards. Aim for head, as the padlock would be too small to do damage to body.


Usually a hefty solid weapon. Grab it like a frisbee and slam it into your assailant’s head, face, or jam it in his neck or throat. Throw the cigarette butts and ashes in his face as a distraction.


Rolled up it can make an excellent impact weapon. Most effective using quick, strong, short strikes repeatedly to attacker’s face and to other more sensitive areas due to the inherent lack of mass of the magazine.


If you’re a business man in a suit you’ve got an excellent flexible weapon or a possible garrot as part of you wardrobe. If your attacker is in fact the one wearing a tie you can use it to control or disorient him. Grab his tie and pull downwards hard.

Please note: This is one reason I generally advise people not to wear anything that doesn’t break easily around the neck. It is too easy for someone to use it to control you during an attack, just as you can use the same tactic on someone else.


As was recently reported a celebrity used one as a weapon against a pushy paparazzi with great effect. Hold with both hands and slam into your attacker’s face full force or push out and jab it into his face, neck or midsection with the sides/edges of the closed laptop. Can also be used to shield against an attacker’s weapon or strike.


Used much the same way as the laptop. Has thinner and so sharper edges, however on the other hand it also has less mass and might be less painful because of that.

A book:

Not only good for reading and learning. Used much the same way as the laptop and clipboard, although the book would have more heft than a clipboard.


You’re already holding it, and it has a secure handle. Swing it into your attacker’s face/head or use as a shield. Push him away with the briefcase and escape. Open briefcase and take out other alternative weapons that have been mentioned here such as magazine, pen, etc.


You’ll usually have a lamp nearby in your home. Grab it, and smash it across your attacker’s face. Use the cord as a flexible weapon.

Fire extinguisher:

Has been used before with great effect. Devastating power. Aim for head/face. Makes an excellent shield too. Also spray contents directly onto attacker. It will at the least disorient him, it will often even hide your exit due to the cloud of white dust.

Put one in you car. You should have one in your car anyway for fire safety, but it might even save your life if you need to use it as a weapon.

Duct tape:

Not a weapon as such but makes good handcuffs to hold your attacker until the police arrive. Large zip ties are a good alternative to duct tape.

Light switch:

Darkness is a brilliant weapon under the right circumstances. If you are attacked by night, the light switch can be the best “weapon” for defense, without really being a weapon as such. Simply turn the lights off. Darkness is a tactical advantage for you, after all you know the layout of your own house while your attacker does not. You also know where you have other weapons and escape routes. Darkness could also simply give you the time needed to escape. Also, darkness will increase the blinding effectiveness of your flashlight if you are carrying one.


Are you wearing a coat or scarf? A coat or jacket can be used to shield yourself against an attacker’s knife or other weapon. Wrap it around your weak arm, and hit and defend yourself with your strong arm and legs.

The long sleeves can also be used as a flexible weapon for choking or entangling limbs.

If on your bicycle:

Your helmet, tire pump, and flexible bike locks are potential impact devices.

Even the bike itself can act as an effective shield against an attacker. It will act as a good obstruction between you and him giving you time to escape. If need be it can even be thrown at the attacker.

Belt buckle:

A heavy brass or steel one. Can make a great impact weapon. Can even be swung at the attacker since it’s attached to your belt.


Even without a heavy buckle your belt can be one of the best flexible weapons available.


Any spray will do brilliantly. Think about it, what spray do you have around? Hair spray? Deodorant? Air freshener? Silicone spray? I personally have all and more of these sprays right here as I type this, aside from the hair spray. All these sprays will blind your attacker almost as well as pepper spray. If you’re a smoker you probably have a lighter handy. Add a lighter in front of the spray and you’ve got an excellent flame thrower. I’m sure we all tried this when we were kids.

At the very least the spray can be used as an impact weapon if nothing else.


Especially a metal comb.

Can be raked across an attacker’s face repeatedly with good success.


Always another favorite. The larger ones make a good impact weapon and improvised stick fighting weapon. Also a great shield a la Roman style when opened. Some of the full sized ones have a pointy bit protruding, perhaps 2 to 3 inches long, so while you shield yourself you can also push the opened umbrella forward into the attacker’s face and body.

The smaller umbrellas are good too, however of course they are less durable and have less power due to lack of size.


A great common household device. Can cause a lot of damage from use as a striking weapon, and again most irons have an electrical cord that makes a good flexible weapon as well.

A broom or mop:

Another long impact device. Can be used as a long staff for stick fighting techniques. Can also be used to hold the attacker at a distance.

Your car:

While it’s not always justified to use deadly force in this way since it can be argued that if you’re inside your car you are safe, if a gang of hoodlums or an angry middle eastern mob is surrounding your car, you’ve got 3000 pounds worth of effective weaponry on hand. At times deadly force can be justified depending on the situation including any disparity of force between you and the attacker(s) and the resulting danger you face at the time. Your main goal should be to escape in this case, but if necessary run a hoodlum over to affect your escape.

A phone:

Excellent impact device, very handy. A cord phone also makes a good flexible weapon if you’re skilled in using one effectively.

Phones have been used many times as impact devices.


Throw coins from your pocket into the face of your attacker. Another good diversionary tactic.

A packed roll of coins can also make a good fist-load and has been used many times as such.

Sports equipment:

Tennis racket, golf club, pool stick, the obvious and often used baseball bat, dumbbells, etc. All are excellent impact devices. Keep a few golf clubs and balls in your car even if you don’t play. Or a baseball bat and glove and maybe some balls too in order to not raise the suspicion of LEO.


Preferably a heavy steel dive watch. Take the watch off your wrist and wrap it around the fist you punch with (strong arm). The first punch should break the glass and subsequent punches could cut your attacker up. Even if the glass doesn’t break and cut him it’s still a good improvised impact device if need be.


A la Fred Perrin style. Only works with a solid one piece bracelet, not the flexible link type. Take your metal bracelet off and hold in your fist. Use as an impact device to punch with.

Your voice:

Your voice can be a great improvised weapon wherever you are.

Verbally you can often stop, control or at very least influence the direction of an attack. Far too an extensive a subject to get into here. Learn about verbal commands and communication skills for defensive purposes/redirection of attacker’s violent behavior toward you. Sometimes known as verbal judo. Any good martial art or self defense system needs to address this subject.

—- One note on employing flexible weapons:

As you can see a number of the potential weapons I mentioned in this small list are flexible, for example the electrical cord and clothing. Please keep in mind that as with most flexible weapons, specialist knowledge in hand to hand combat is needed for most effective use. Flexible weapons simply aren’t as straight forward as let’s say a chair or even a book which will instinctively be used as a shield often even by people with little or no experience in self defense.

This is merely a small sampling of possibilities. It would be impossible to list for you all the possible alternative use “weapons”/objects you might come across that might be of great defensive use during an attack. The list would be too large, and no one can know what will be available to you in your specific environment at that time. Obviously some environments are richer in potential alternative weaponry than others. It’s you’re job to train yourself to identify these potential weapons out of any objects around you.

From now on look at the objects around you with a different eye. Look at objects in your surroundings through sort of a “weapons” filter. Specifically ask yourself, which ones can make an effective weapon? How would you use it? Will that object really cause hurt to your attacker and disable him, or is it really just a waste of time? Sometimes an object would make such a poor weapon that it’s better to fight unarmed. Learn to accurately evaluate potential weapons in your environment.

No one can really instruct you or show you every object that has the potential to be used as a weapon. Above all it is a mindset that you will have to develop. Preparation and training is the best way to help guarantee a better chance for success in a self defense incident. But once you develop this situational awareness and survival mentality you’ll be much better prepared to defend yourself in any situation than ever before, for you will have an instinctive understanding and application of self defense as a way of life.

Think outside the box, think like a fighter, like someone committed to self preservation and the defense of loved ones from societal predators.

Potential weapons are all around you.

It is now simply a matter of identifying them.

Music – The Best Forms of Entertainment

One of the best forms of entertainment is music, but it is also the best form of relaxation also. The best way to enjoy your favorite music is in solitude with only yourself for company. Different people prefer different kinds of music and if you are in the company of those who would prefer listening to something totally different, then it is best to get yourself a pair of ear phones and blissfully enjoy your own kind of music.

Music is also a form of art which brings great pleasure to those who compose it and to those who play it and bring it alive. Each country and tribe has their own kind of music which expresses their way of enjoying life. Some have lilting and ethereal music while the others the wild beat of drums with which they convey themselves. Music of any kind is enjoyable but it depends on the individuals state of mind and background for them to enjoy and appreciate it.

There is the ear drum blasting decibels of the rock groups which are a craze amongst the younger generations, the rhythmic dance music for those whose interest lies in dance and for those who would like to dim their lights and just drift into a dream world of music the classics of olden days by composers like Beethoven and Mozart. Music is truly the food of the soul and makes anyone feel on top of the world while they are lost in enjoying it to the fullest.